_The Child-World—long and long si… A Fairy Paradise!— How always fair it was and fresh a… How every affluent hour heaped hea… With treasures of surprise!
Leonainie—Angels named her; And they took the light Of the laughing stars and framed h… In a smile of white; And they made her hair of gloomy
He leant against a lamp-post, lost In some mysterious reverie: His head was bowed; his arms were… He yawned, and glanced evasively: Uncrossed his arms, and slowly put
'Best time to kill a hog’s when he… Mostly folks is law-abidin’ Down on Wriggle Crick—, Seein’ they’s no Squire residin’ In our bailywick;
'When it’s _got_ to be,'—like! alw… As I notice the years whiz past, And know each day is a yesterday, When we size it up, at last,— Same as I said when my _boyhood_…
MAY 30, 1878, Dying for victory, cheer on cheer Thundered on his eager ear. —CHARLES L. HOLSTEIN. Deep, tender, firm and true, the…
With a sweeter voice than birds Dare to twitter in their sleep, Pipe for me a tune of words, Till my dancing fancies leap Into freedom vaster far
'They ain’t much 'tale’ about it!'… 'K’tawby grapes wuz gittin’ good-n… I rickollect; and Tubb Kingry and… 'Ud kindo’ browse round town, dayt… What neighbers ‘peared to have the…
Just to be good— This is enough—enough! O we who find sin’s billows wild a… Do we not feel how more than any g… Would be the blameless life we led…
Settin’ round the stove, last nigh… Down at Wess’s store, was me And Mart Strimples, Tunk, and Wh… And Doc Bills, and two er three Fellers o’ the Mudsock tribe
'Twas the height of the fete when… And quietly stole to the terrace a… Where, pale as the lovers that eve… The moon it … The sight of the stars and the moo…
Maud Muller worked at making hay, And cleared her forty cents a day. Her clothes were coarse, but her h… And so she worked in the sweet sun… Singing as glad as a bird in May
I would not trace the hackneyed ph… Of shallow words and empty praise, And prate of 'peace’ till one migh… My foolish pen was drunk with ink. Nor will I here the wish express
I want to sing something—but this… I try and I try, but the rhymes a… As though they were damp, and the… Limp and unlovable. Words will not say what I yearn t…
It’s a mystery to see me—a man o’… Who’s lived a cross old bachelor f… A-lookin’ glad and smilin’! And t… That you can guess the reason why… I must tell you all about it! But…