Of all the doctors I could cite y… Doc Sifers is my favorite, jes’ t… Count in the Bethel Neighberhood,… And Sifers’ standin’s jes’ as goo… There’s old Doc Wick, and Glenn,…
A lover said, ‘O Maiden, love me… For I must go away: And should ANOTHER ever come t… Of love—What WILL you say?’ And she let fall a royal robe of h…
I so loved once, when Death came… Away my face, And all my sweetheart’s tresses sh… To make my hiding-place. The dread shade passed me thus unh…
‘My grandfather Squeers,’ said Th… As he solemnly lighted his pipe an… ‘The most indestructible man, for… And the grandest on earth, was my… ’He said, when he rounded his thre…
It’s the curiousest thing in creat… Whenever I hear that old song, ‘Do They Miss Me at Home?’ I’m… My life seems as short as it’s lon… Far ever’thing ‘pears like adzackl…
The air falls chill; The whippoorwill Pipes lonesomely behind the Hill: The dusk grows dense, The silence tense;
He called her in from me and shut… And she so loved the sunshine and… She loved them even better yet tha… That ne’er knew dearth of them—my… Nature had nursed me in her lap in…
I thought the deacon liked me, yit I warn’t adzackly shore of it— Fer, mind ye, time and time agin, When jiners 'ud be comin’ in, I’d seed him shakin’ hands as free
_(Grandfather, musing.)_ In childish days! O memory, You bring such curious things to m… Laughs to the lip—tears to the eye… In looking on the gifts that lie
I’ got no patience with blues at a… And I ust to kindo talk Aginst ‘em, and claim, ’tel along… They was none in the fambly stock; But a nephew of mine, from Eelino…
Let us rest ourselves a bit! Worry?—wave your hand to it— Kiss your finger-tips and smile It farewell a little while. Weary of the weary way
‘Now who shall say he loves me not… He wooed her first in an atmospher… Of tender and low-breathed sighs; But the pang of her laugh went cut… To the soul of the enterprise;
You think it is a sorry thing That I am blind. Your pitying Is welcome to me; yet indeed, I think I have but little need Of it. Though you may marvel much
First she come to our house, Tommy run and hid; And Emily and Bob and me We cried jus’ like we did When Mother died,—and we all said
The warm pulse of the nation has g… The muffled heart of Freedom, lik… Throbs solemnly for one whose eart… Wrought every mission well. Whose glowing reason towered above…