The cautious bend of branch from frozen rain, the weight of stars pushing down: the dominion
As always, the Malbec tunes to th… notes of grace from this orchestra… The repertoire is smooth– neither… but familiar enough that my toe ta… Now approved, I fill your glass 1…
ASCENT Such a clumsy dance, The shock of loss, a one-night cha… The trap of love the web surrounds… As faces stare up from the ground.
EVIDENCE IN FENTON The Silver Queen and King have g… Sailed in their burning boat Where all good kings and queens go… While huge cats still smile for ch…
This magic mirror day... Trapped inside it: trees, clouds, Sounds: liquid sighs: your breath.… Our soul’s second life flowing Hot and reborn from hope’s cold as…
BIOGRAPHY 12/11/23 We have reached the time when ther… To entertain the audience with rev… Lightning bugs rise from the grass… As dark ensnares us, the way is lo…
ENTENDRE Only in leaving do we arrive: Plumes of ash-black birds Dip and dive swirl in aerial balle… Searching for a newer summer;