J. W. Hicks


Why do I have so much anger inside
It takes over my life so easy
Not just hurtin me
But ones I love
The tears I shed no more
And the heart only feels despair
The soul seems to be lost
Or locked somewhere
It only  feels useless
My life has turned
Upside down
To others it seems just right
How do you express
To others
When it seems to be so hard
To find yourself
How do you climb a ladder
While it still lies on the ground
Clouds always building
Only getting darker in color
Black and grey
With roarin sounds
Bringin fear to all in its path
Hope when you see a flash of light
To only learn the light that comes from the
come with a strike
To remind you that
Your life is dwellin in a puddle
Of nothing
The spark you feel from the strike
Seems to only cause pain
Drown, you only try
But yet the water always run
And the rain always pours
Walkin a path
that’s not with mud
Seems impossible to find
Where to step
Where to head
Where to begin

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