Temper temper temper Don’t let the viper strike. Take your time and watch your step It wields a gnarly bite. Taunt the beast and prod the monst…
Egg shells, on edge, on the ledge So many trains barreling through m… As the clock ticks on Mine, is out of time. Remedies flood my brain
Have you ever thought you knew som… that you can remember? How do I even begin.. It seems like the craziest thing t… Without sounding like a creep..
I see them in the shadows day after day. Waiting for me to close my eyes so they can take me away. They keep me safe through the nigh…
Put on the cloak Inhale the smoke The Veil beginning to fall. Follow the call Once and for All
Is it a coincidence I feel like I see the same people… Multiple places? It can’t be.... right? Same faces
If I wrote what’s on my mind They may think of me a mess. Words swirling sending signs. Got to get this off my chest. Is it the hurt of my entire life -
If I had to lead an army I’d start with an army of One. Learning the details of self withi… Sure path to the Sun. For if my Heart gets weary
As the paint begins to chip the faucets steady their drip. The tree stands tall. As the floors they strain and creak.
When I tap in My body feels fear. Sensations like these Must be some sort of sin and I can’t hide my grin.
Meeting every fantasy. Share with me your desires. Wear my Love paint it red. Walk with me when you’re tired. Waves of calm to soothe instead.
Is it really that easy to turn the… Is it too much– to stand up for th… Walking over the homeless– asleep… On your way to a bar hop or fancy… Can I say bleak?
Take it all in or make your head spin. The time’s lining up with the sign… Focus takes work. Distractions will lurk.
Somber sentences tell me I’m wron… Yet the beat of my heart sings a different song. Working for the man Or say the son of Sam.
Energy flowing Feel the pulsating throughout my b… Don’t know where I’m going Something tells me Samhadi Love within the waves