Temper temper temper Don’t let the viper strike. Take your time and watch your step It wields a gnarly bite. Taunt the beast and prod the monst…
Under the rubble deep beneath the great abyss lies a secret winding labyrinth. Caves, tunnels, valleys, mountains… seas and streams.
Save me from myself or not at all. Can’t seem to find my way out of t… Try as I might I keep hitting the… Running out of steam, the train pr… As a child that song would always…
Never really thought of what it wo… For our desolate world to finally… For the world we have seen in our… Simple as giving the snow globe a… We’ve fought so many battles on th…
I see them in the shadows day after day. Waiting for me to close my eyes so they can take me away. They keep me safe through the nigh…
Finding you must have been some ki… Like the Universe had a preplanne… As reality sets in a new praxis un… The arduous path of unlearning wha… Missions for greatness fail with e…
Take away this static. Wash away these bite size hangnail… Scratch and plead but this pull co… Tense, locked, sensations sending… Up and down my spine. Bolts of el…
Some deep itches just can’t be scr… Buried so deep– refusing the patch… House of cards is poorly stacked. Heels dug in– refusing to react. Taking me places where I belong.
Icicles for nickels. Down where the children play. Grants a wish or a tasty dish. More nickels are coming to stay. Dance on a dime
Am I waiting for something Am I just at the precipice All these feelings can’t be for no… New truths on the edge of my lips Revelations of a New World
The intrigue is sexy. Walk with me while we sort it out. Not here for impression. Not here for the clout. Sensing you’ve already met me.
Will the timing of me– set me free… If I think hard enough My brain might blow up. From what ifs and because What happened or what was.
Why do we always 'come across’ what we are meant to... Eventually, at some point, in-time… What is meant for us, ultimately will find us.
Molded as a prized hen Jump how high You tell me when. Caged existence Take it away
Close to the top then fall back do… Hit every stop then kiss the groun… Ready to yell– can’t make a sound. Darkness sending clouds to my town… Fools shriek where cowards play.