Hunny Gurl

A single rose

Laying in the snow,
A rose so dark,
Absorbing the night,
That covers the park,
A single pool of blood,
Surrounding its thorns,
Twisted and wicked,
Like the devils horns,
She lay right beside it,
So still in the night,
Her lifeless soul,
Waiting for the light,
They were so prefect,
His love for her so true,
It made the sun shine,
And the skies stay blue,
He loved her,
To marry her was his goal,
With her,
His heart felt whole,
Until that night,
When it all fell apart,
She waited for him,
And thought of where to start,
The rose in her hand,
But she could not control,
The other man,
Made HER feel whole,
She tightened her grip,
He was late,
The thorns cutting violently,
She couldn’t wait..

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