Come all ye true hearts, who, Old England to save,
Now shoulder the musket, or plough the rough wave,
I will sing you a song of a wonderful fellow,
Who has ruin’d Jack Pudding, and broke Punchinello.
Derry down, down, high derry down.
This juggler is little, and ugly, and black,
But, like Atlas, he stalks with the world at his back;
’Tis certain, all fear of the devil he scorns;
Some say they are cousins; we know he wears horns.
Derry down.
At hop, skip, and jump, who so famous as he?
He hopp’d o’er an army, he skipped o’er the sea;
And he jump’d from the desk of a village attorney
To the throne of the Bourbons-a pretty long journey.
Derry down.
He tosses up kingdoms the same as a ball,
And his cup is so fashion’d it catches them all;
The Pope and Grand Turk have been heard to declare
His skill at the long bow has made them both stare.
Derry down.
He has shown off his tricks in France, Italy, Spain;
And Germany too knows his legerdemain;
So hearing John Bull has a taste for strange sights,
He’s coming to London to put us to rights.
Derry down.
To encourage his puppets to venture this trip,
He has built them such boats as can conquer a ship;
With a gun of good metal, that shoots out so far,
It can silence the broadsides of three men of war.
Derry down.
This new Katterfelto, his show to complete,
Means his boats should all sink as they pass by our fleet;
Then, as under the ocean their course they steer right on,
They can pepper their foes from the bed of old Triton.
Derry down.
If this project should fail, he has others in store;
Wooden horses, for instance, may bring them safe o’er;
Or the genius of France (as the Moniteur tells)
May order balloons, or provide diving-bells.
Derry down.
When Philip of Spain fitted out his Armada,
Britain saw his designs, and could meet her invader;
But how to greet Bonny she never will know,
If he comes in the style of a fish or a crow.
Derry down.
Now if our rude tars will so crowd up the seas,
That his boats have not room to go down when they please,
Can’t he wait till the channel is quite frozen over,
And a stout pair of skates will transport him to Dover.
Derry down.
How welcome he’ll be it were needless to say;
Neither he nor his puppets shall e’er go away;
I am sure at his heels we shall constantly stick,
Till we know he has play’d off his very last trick.
Derry down, down, high derry down.