Fair one, why cannot you an old ma… He may as useful, and more constan… Experience shews you that maturer… Are a security against those fears Youth will expose you to; whose wi…
Fair one, you did on me bestow Comparisons too sweet to ow; And but I found them sent from yo… I durst not think they could be tr… But ’tis your uncontrolled power
I prethee turn that face away Whose splendour but benights my da… Sad eyes like mine, and wounded he… Shun the bright rayes which beauty… Unwelcome is the Sun that pries
VVhether thy Fathers, or diseases… More mortal prov’d to thy unhappy… Our sorrow needs not question; sin… Is known for length and sharpness… Thy Feaver yet was kind; which th…
Like an Oblation set before a Shr… Fair One! I offer up this heart o… Whether the Saint accept my Gift… Ile neither fear nor doubt before… For he whose faint distrust preven…
Essex twice made unhappy by a Wif… Yet Marry’d worse unto the People… He who by two Divorces did untie His Bond of Wedlock and of Loyal… Who was by Easiness of Nature bre…
So soon grown old! hast thou been… Poor earth, once by my Love inhab… And must I live to calculate the… To which thy blooming youth could… But fell in the ascent! yet have n…
For all the Ship-wracks, and the… Lost men have gain’d within the fu… The Sea hath fin’d and for our wr… When its wrought foam a Venus did… But what repair wilt thou unhappy…
Dry those fair, those chrystal eye… Which like growing fountains rise To drown their banks. Griefs sull… Would better flow in furrow’d look… Thy lovely face was never meant
Pursue no more (my thoughts!) that… You may assoon imprison the North… Or catch the Lightning as it leap… The leading billow first ran down… Or undertake the flying clouds to…
MY once dear love, hapless that I… Must call thee so, the rich affect… That fed our hope lies now exhaust… Like sums of treasure unto bankrup… We, that did nothing study but the…
TELL me no more how fair she is, I have no minde to hear The story of that distant bliss I never shall come near: By sad experience I have found
VVhen first the Magick of thine e… Usurpt upon my liberty, Triumphing in my hearts spoyl, tho… Didst lock up thine in such a vow; When I prove false, may the brigh…
I see that wreath which doth the w… ‘Gainst the quick strokes of thund… To keep off deaths pale dart. For… Thou hadst been number’d still wit… Times sithe had fear’d thy Lawrel…
Piensan los Enamorados Que tienen los otros, los oios que… Why slightest thou what I approve… Thou art no Peer to try my love, Nor canst discern where her form l…