Soñé que flotaba sobre una escalinata
y veía una moneda nueva en un peldaño inmediato.
Su brillo y su forma eran para mi nuevos,
su color estaba entre el oro rosa y la plata...
Se deshacían mis ojos ante sus destellos.
Y mientras yo la anhelaba, iba,
etérea y frágil, sobre la pendiente,
sobre el mármol pétreo.
A lo lejos, el canto de una ciénaga,
me hablaba de amores y de sueños abiertos.
Su forma no era la del dólar, el florín ni el dracma,
parecía querer venir a mis manos y abrirme un pozo,
pero para alcanzarla debía quebrar mi cuerpo.
Y entonces me erguí y con simpleza dulce
dije a mi espejo que no sería posible tenerla.
Mientras ensoñaba en mis suelos miles como ella,
te diste un giro y rozaste mis labios con tus besos.
Olvidé la moneda y me dejaste acurrucada
junto a tu calor, junto a tus “te quiero”,
pero los cantos lejanos de la ciénaga se me quedaron dentro.
I dreamed that I was floating on a staircase
and saw a new coin on an immediate rung.
Its brilliance and its shape were new to me,
its color was somewhere between rose gold and silver...
My eyes melted at the flashes of it.
And while I longed for it, I moved lightly,
ethereal and fragile on the slope,
on the stony marble.
In the distance, the song of a swamp,
spoke to me of love and open dreams.
Its form was not that of the dollar, the guilder, or the drachma,
It seemed to want to come into my hands and open a well for me,
but to reach it I had to break my whole body.
And then I stood up and with sweet simplicity
I told my mirror that it would not be possible to have it.
While I dreamed of thousands coins like it, on my floors,
you turned around and brushed my lips with your kisses.
I forgot the coin and you left me curled up,
next to your warmth, next to your “I love you”,
but the distant swamp chants stayed, inside of me.