Though short thy span, God’s unim… Which made that shorten’d span one… Yet merciful in chastening, gave t… For mild, redeeming virtues, Fait… Meek Resigination; pious Charity
Praise to placeless proud ability, Let the prudent muse disclaim; And sing the Statesman—all civili… Whom moderate talents raise to fam… He, no random projects urging,
How blest, how firm the Statesman… (Him no low intrigue shall move), Circled by faithful kindred bands, And propp’d by fond fraternal love… When his speeches hobble vilely,
Whene’er with haggard eyes I view This dungeon that I’m rotting in, I think of those companions true Who studied with me at the U— —niversity of Gottingen—
“Ambubaiarum Collegia Pharmacopei… —Horace. If the health and the strength, an… Of old England, at last must be d… Oh! why must we die of one doctor…
Unrivall’d Greece! thou ever hono… Thou nurse of heroes dear to death… Though now to worth, to honor all… Thy lustre faded, and thy glories… Yet still shall Memory, with reve…
A TRIBUTE TO THE MEMO… When, by th’ Almighty’s dread com… Elijah, call’d from Israel’s land… Rose in the sacred flame, His Mantle good Elisha caught,
Friend of Humanity 1'Needy Knife-grinder! whither ar… 2Rough is the road, your wheel is… 3Bleak blows the blast;-your hat h… 4 So have your breeches!
Though short thy space, God’s uni… Which made that shorten’d space on… Yet, merciful in chast’ning, gave… For mild redeeming virtues, faith… Meek resignation, pious charity;
May this dreary abode be for ever… For ever, by virtue, by Pity, unt… Unbreathed be his name, and unhono… The foe of his country, his monarc…
For one long term, or e’er her tri… Here Brownrigg linger’d. Often ha… Echoed her blasphemies, as with sh… She scream’d for fresh Geneva. No… Did the blithe fields of Tothill,…
It is said, the Great Men, who ar… At their suddenly alter’d conditio… Who so late were the Ins, and so… Have decreed a severe Opposition. Nor will it be wonder’d at, greatl…
What holy rites Mohammed’s laws o… What various duties bind his faith… What pious zeal his scatter’d trib… In fix’d observance of these holy… At Mecca’s shrine what votive cro…
When the broad-bottom ‘d Junto, with reason at strife, Resign’d, with a sigh, its politic… When converted to Rome, and of ho… They gave back to the Devil the s…
Come, sportive Muse, with plume s… Describe each lawless, bold empiri… Who, with the Blue and Buffs’ sad… Now stripp’d in buff, shall look s… First paint L—d H—w—k, boisterous…