#Americans #Women
What husks of last year’s winter c… To-morrow’s world–what dead, what… Of ancient parchments, laws, belie… Worn, tattered layers keep the lif… Where slender as a sword, and tend…
Boys and girls, come out to play: The sun is up, the wind’s astray, Early morning’s gold is gone– (They slumber on, they slumber on.… I have never done with you
We who have seen the city’s sentin… Some iron-colored tower, monument To slow encroaching force–our thew… Against her girders! With her noi… From this our iron tongue we toll,…
Forever lost–like birds forever fl… Searching bleak space, Circling, and with the south wind… Across earth’s face: Arrowed I fly, and like them lost…
The tree we lay under The thunder, the thunder Of my heart, and your wonder… And our weeping... Now we are old, we are worn, we ar…
Harsh, unuttered thunder Stood like a stone wall Above the marsh’s silver line. Crooked cranes, white as lightning… Flattened for an instant, flashing…
Your face from my face slips, Lover of my lips. Holder of my heart, For all our close companionships, We are apart.
Never heard happier laughter. Where did you hear it? Somwhere in the future. Very far in the future? No, not far, but near. American
Sap stirs near me, roots stretch a… Sundering stones. And rivers waken, start in monoton… Their later tunes. Oaks bend their knotted knees
Noiselessly the planets will blow… Like smoke, like breath, like driv… Frost-bitten suns on on, on on wil… Over earth’s curve, the moons, lik… Making no noise and only vague sha…
Wishes are birds. You have been c… With them, invisible, I sent you… Flown from my heart that long had… Surpassing winds in their sharp ea… You have not seen their dim shades…
Only a few hours! We danced like wind, Our faces like noon flowers, On one slim stem were lifted, turn… You flew, I followed, matched you…
Put her away some place between tw… Away from the sea and the sun. She has so much to think of–must s… On your bright bosom always, Moth… Put her away, and let some other b…
Men go to women mutely for their p… And they, who lack it most, create… They make–because they must, lovin… A solace for sad bosom-bended head… Is all the meager peace men get–no…
Only to tell your loveliness–this… Only to tell Pain’s odor, beauty-burning miracl… Of my surrender! Late I flew...