IN the early summer morning I stand and watch them come, The Children to the School-house; They chatter and laugh and hum. The little boys with satchels
LET him who toils, enjoy Fruit of his toiling. Let him whom sweats annoy, No more be spoiling. For we would have it be
He asked me of my friend– “a cleve… Such various talent, business, jou… A pen that might some day have sen… From our greatest newspapers.”– “… All this,” I said.– “And yet he w…
SIMPLE You were, and good. No… Beat than the heart within your ge… Labour You had, and happiness, an… And were the maid of nations. Now… To feverish life, feeling the pois…
BURY me with clenched hands And eyes open wide, For in storm and struggle I lived… And in struggle and storm I died.
YOU tell me these great lords hav… I say they have degraded it. Look… When ever did they let the Poet s… The Painter paint, the Sculptor h… The Music raise her heavenly voic…
WHEN day’s hard task’s done, Eve’s scant meal partaken, Out we steal each one, Weariless, unshaken. In small reeking squares,
(Sydney) ‘The Man of the Nation’ YONDER the band is playing And the fine Young People walk. They are envying each other and ta…
O WE have loved you through cold… And pitiless frost, Consuming our offering of blood an… Gladly again and again and again, Though it all seemed lost,
In night-long days, in aeons where all Time’s nights are one… where life and death sing paeans as of Greeks and Galileans, never begun or done;
‘Susannah and Mary-Jane’ TWO little Darlings alone, Clinging hand in hand; Two little Girls come out To see the wonderful land!
One thing we praise you for that i… The dauntless eyes that faced the… The hand that never wearied in the… Till, through the dark’s despair,… It rose, that vision of forgotten…
To a Workman, a would-be Suicide MAN of despair and death, Bought and slaved in the gangs, Starved and stripped and left To the pitiful, pitiless night,
O WORDS as clear as are the daw… Between the still cloud-layers, an… As violets are, looking through cr… And with such melody as birds may… That sing the morning notes where…
An Address on her Jubilee Year MADAM, you have done well! Let… Speech addressed to a woman who ne… Daub you over with lies or deafen… I will praise you alone for your a…