just for laughs. or is it? i asked robbie to write me a love poem that I can post tonight when I get home
Worry not dear child Someone’s looking out for you Whatever you do In stormy weather Someone will be beside you
You never bury the dead, an old sa… For the dead stays around now and… Their memories kept alive with son… It’s a human trait; we keep on rem… She’s departed now, gone beyond th…
After sudden torrential rain Gliding soaring boding raven Mindful of extreme summer heat Searching for a sheltered haven On the branch of a looming oak
Sliver of silver Lit the sky at eventide Behind clouds stars hide We admired from here below The beauty of afterglow
Scent of cinnamon in the air Pumpkin spice and vanilla too Sensory proof that autumn’s here..… Out the window what lovely view Freshly cut hay in amber field
In my twilight years An abundance of leisure That; I have for sure! But the days are featureless The hours dull and colorless
It’s mid-April glorious spring in… Hydrangeas roses red and violets b… Radiant flow’rs wiping away winter… Blossoms matching the rainbow’s ev… Sadly, in Kyiv no flowery gardens
A gift to see the world again Through the eyes of a two-year old The novelty and the magic And endless wonders to behold! Everything warm and innocent
A girl of three so full of light Our princess bright with smiles so… Her laughter warms both day and ni… Bright spark she is; can’t be deni… She talks with joy and endless gra…
Once broken, a heart may mend Twice broken, the scars will rend Pain will be excruciating Bile, despair unrelenting Therefore...
Come, meet my shadow Whenever whither I go Always he’d follow But dark nights he disappears Leaving me with all my fears
“Sweetie, it’s not you, it’s me! I care about you, don’t you see?” It seems he hears that everyday… It’s an awful, hurtful cliché… And so ends his latest romance
Long, long time ago, there was an… Alone in a mountain cabin a white-… He tried to adopt a dog But instead he got a hog For he was told to get a dog he ne…
When young, we haven’t been around… Nearly everything, we could rememb… Whether all those events really ha… Who knows, but it didn’t really ma… Dreams and fantasies all we had wh…