Fernando Nycure


As I walked through the paths of life,
I once sat myself to ponder,
and as I did, two scenes passed over me:
The first of the two came on so fast,
I closed my eyes in pain,
was full of sin and youthful lust,
of now I look in shame,
My heart so hard of sinful thoughts,
of which I did deny,
the hate in me, I hold not back,
no love in me was found.
Then I saw the two things change,
Of Christ in gentle mercy, awaiting my soul to save,
with pierced hands and feet, in pain so great,
I cried, O Lord, do save!
I held my hands up high,
He brought His hands towards me,
He picked me up with so much love,
it wiped my fears away!
From sin did I renounce, when I became the king 's,
The proof that’s in my heart, is there for all to see,
That I’m no longer bound, for He has set me free,
And then I knew from that, was then that I was saved!


As a born again Christian, I thought it only right as a poet, to use a talent God had given me to express my faith.

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