Felicia Hemans

A Farewell to Abbotsford

HOME of the gifted! fare thee well,
 And a blessing on thee rest;
While the heather waves its purple bell
 O’er moor and mountain crest;
While stream to stream around thee calls,
 And braes with broom are drest,
Glad be the harping in thy halls–
 A blessing on thee rest.
While the high voice from thee sent forth
 Bids rock and cairn reply,
Wakening the spirits of the North,
 Like a chieftan’s gathering cry;
While its deep master-tones hold sway
 As a king’s o’er every breast,
Home of the Legend and the Lay!
 A blessing on thee rest!
Joy to thy hearth, and board, and bower!
 Long honours to thy line!
And hearts of proof, and hands of power,
 And bright names worthy thine!
By the merry step of childhood, still
 May thy free sward be prest!
—While one proud pulse in the land can thrill,
 A blessing on thee rest!
Other works by Felicia Hemans...
