#Americans #Women #XIXCentury
407 If What we could—were what we wou… Criterion—be small— It is the Ultimate of Talk— The Impotence to Tell—
Of Brussels—it was not— Of Kidderminster? Nay— The Winds did buy it of the Woods… They—sold it unto me It was a gentle price—
633 When Bells stop ringing—Church—be… The Positive—of Bells— When Cogs—stop—that's Circumferen… The Ultimate—of Wheels.
763 He told a homely tale And spotted it with tears— Upon his infant face was set The Cicatrice of years—
756 One Blessing had I than the rest So larger to my Eyes That I stopped gauging—satisfied— For this enchanted size—
No brigadier throughout the year So civic as the jay. A neighbor and a warrior too, With shrill felicity Pursuing winds that censure us
988 The Definition of Beauty is That Definition is none— Of Heaven, easing Analysis, Since Heaven and He are one.
41 I robbed the Woods— The trusting Woods. The unsuspecting Trees Brought out their Burs and mosses
564 My period had come for Prayer— No other Art—would do— My Tactics missed a rudiment— Creator—Was it you?
58 Delayed till she had ceased to kno… Delayed till in its vest of snow Her loving bosom lay— An hour behind the fleeting breath…
Pain has an element of blank; It cannot recollect When it began, or if there were A day when it was not. It has no future but itself,
Witchcraft has not a Pedigree ’Tis early as our Breath And mourners meet it going out The moment of our death—
945 This is a Blossom of the Brain— A small—italic Seed Lodged by Design or Happening The Spirit fructified—
924 Love—is that later Thing than Dea… More previous—than Life— Confirms it at its entrance—And Usurps it—of itself—
159 A little bread—a crust—a crumb— A little trust—a demijohn— Can keep the soul alive— Not portly, mind! but breathing—wa…