#Americans #Women
Dost thou not tire, Isaura, of th… ‘What play?’ Why, this old play o… Nay, now, lift not thine eyes in t… ’Tis all in vain—I know thee and… Let us be frank, Isaura. I have m…
Seeking for happiness we must go s… The road leads not down avenues of… But often gently winds through by… Whose hidden pleasures are serene… Seeking for happiness we must take…
I want more lives in which to love This world so full of beauty, I want more days to use the ways I know of doing duty; I ask no greater joy than this
Sitting alone by the window, Watching the moonlit street, Bending my head to listen To the well-known sound of your fe… I have been wondering, darling,
I’m sick of 'musn’ts,' said Dorot… Sick of musn’ts, as I can be. From early dawn till the close of… I hear a musn’t, and never a may. It’s 'you musn’t lie there like a…
I poured out a tumbler of Claret, Of course with intention to drink, And, holding it up in the sunlight… I paused for a moment to think. I really can’t tell you what made…
Like some schoolmaster, kind in be… Who hears the children crying o’er… And calling, “Help me, master!” y… Since in his silence and refusal l… Their self-development, so God ab…
Hollow a grave where the willows w… And lay him under the grasses, Where the pitying breeze bloweth u… And murmurs a chant as it passes. Lay the beautiful face and the for…
Life, like a romping schoolboy, fu… Doth bear us on his shoulder for a… There is no path too steep for him… With strong, lithe limbs, as agile… As some young roe, he speeds by va…
Sometimes when I have dropped asl… Draped in soft luxurious gloom, Across my drowsy mind will creep The memory of another room, Where resinous knots in roofboards…
It may be, yet I have not found i… In those first golden dreams of fu… I did not find such happiness as c… When toil was crowned with triumph… My words have recognition, and wil…
Whatever the task that comes your… Just take it as part of your luck. Look it right square in the eyes,… ‘This is my
I look down the lengthening distan… Far back to youth’s valley of hope… How strange seemed the ways of exi… How infinite life and its scope! What dreams, what ambitions came t…
One leaned on velvet cushions like… To see him pass, the hero of an ho… Whom men called great. She bowed… And smiled, and blushed, and knew… One trailed her tinselled garments…
There is a certain castle that is… And plants, and birds, and pretty… But alas! for the unhappy folks wh… A dreadful ogre haunts the house a… Some day I fear will find them de…