#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters
I’d rather have my verses win A place in common people’s hearts, Who, toiling through the strife an… Of life’s great thoroughfares, and… May read some line my hand has pen…
This is the song for a soldier To sing as he rides from home To the fields afar where the battl… Or over the ocean’s foam: ‘Whatever the dangers waiting
Whenever I am prone to doubt or w… I check myself, and say, “That mi… Who made the solar system cannot b… And for the best all things are be… Who set the stars on their eternal…
If Christ came questioning His wo… (If Christ came questioning,) ‘What hast thou done to glorify th… Since last My feet this lower ear… How could I answer Him; and in wh…
Toward even when the day leans dow… To kiss the upturned face of night… Out just beyond the loud-voiced to… I know a spot of calm delight. Like crimson arrows from a quiver
Life is a ponderous lesson-book, a… The teacher. When I came to love’… My teacher turned the page and bad… ‘Learn first,’ she said, 'love’s g… And o’er and o’er through many a l…
When I am dead, if some chastened… Seeing the ‘item, ’ or hearing it… That my play is over and my part d… And I lie asleep in my narrow bed… If I could know that some soul wo…
Do you wish the world were better? Let me tell you what to do: Set a watch upon your actions, Keep them always straight and true… Rid your mind of selfish motives;
In a mansion grand, just over the… Lives bonny, beautiful Dell; You may have heard of this lady ga… For she is a famous belle. I live in a low cot opposite,
I and new love, in all its living… Sat vis-à-vis, while tender twilig… Went softly by us, treading as on… Then suddenly I saw within the ro… The old love, long since lying in…
My thoughts soar not as they ought… Higher and higher on soul-lent win… But ever and often and more and mo… They are dragged down earthward by… By little troubles and little need…
I feel the stirrings in me of grea… New half-fledged thoughts rise up… And tremble on the margin of their… Then flutter back, and hide within… Beholding space, they doubt their…
To Miss Eva Russell. The spring time is deaf to our ple… The meadows are brown as can be. The hilltops are bleak and unlovel… No thrush sits and sings on the tr…
If I should die, how kind you all… In that strange hour I would not… There are no words too beautiful t… Of one who goes forevermore away Across that ebbing tide which has…
Be not dismayed, be not dismayed w… Sets its white seal upon some wors… Poor human nature for a little spa… Must suffer anguish, when that las… Leaves such long silence; but let…