#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters
However the battle is ended, Though proudly the victor comes With fluttering flags and prancing… And echoing roll of drums, Still truth proclaims this motto
What is the end of each man’s toil… Brother, O Brother? A handful of dust in a bit of soil… His name forgotten as centuries ro… Though blazoned to-day on Glory’s…
‘Black sheep, black sheep, have yo… ‘Yes, sir-yes, sir: three bags ful… ‘I don’t want any New Thought,' s… ‘Or any Theosophy, for, you see, The faith I learned at my mother’…
Methought a great wind swept acros… And all the toilers perished. The… Pale terror blanch the rosy face o… And careless eyes grow full of fea… The sounds of pleasure ceased; the…
High o’er the clouds a sunbeam sho… And far down under him, With a subtle grace that was all h… The mist gleamed fair and dim. He looked at her with his burning…
Immortal life is something to be e… By slow, self-conquest, comradeshi… And patient seeking after higher t… We cannot follow our own wayward w… And feed our baser appetites and g…
I shall not forget you. The years… But vain are their efforts to soft… And the strong hands of Time are… To garland the grave that is made… Your image is ever about me, befor…
If I could clasp my little babe Upon my breast to-night, I would not mind the blowing wind That shrieketh in affright. Oh, my lost babe! my little babe,
With brooding mien and sultry eyes… Outside the gates of Paradise Eve sat, and fed the faggot flame That lit the path whence Adam cam… (Strange are the workings of a wom…
Under the light of the silver moon We two sat, when our hearts were y… The night was warm with the breath… And loud from the meadow the crick… And darker and deeper, oh, love, t…
We love but once. The great gold… From dawn to eventide doth cast hi… But the full splendour of his perf… Is reached but once throughout the… We love but once. The waves, wit…
These agent men! these agent men! We hear the dreaded step again, We see a stranger at the door; And brace ourselves for war once m… He bows and smiles. ‘Walk in,’ we…
Where have they gone to-the little… With natural manners and natural c… Who love their dollies and like th… And talk of something besides the… Little old women in plenty I find…
All perfect things are saddening i… The autumn wood robed in its scarl… The matchless tinting on the royal… Whose velvet leaf by no least flaw… Love’s supreme moment, when the so…
Just when all hope had perished in… And balked desire made havoc with… My cruel Ladye suddenly grew kind… And sent those gracious words upon… “When knowing Night her dusky sca…