#Americans #Women
There is much that makes me sorry… And I seem to see more pathos in… I’m sorry for the strong, brave me… But who, in their own troubled hou… I’m sorry for the victors who have…
High in the heavens I saw the moo… Albeit the sun shone bright; Unto my soul it spoke, in voice of… ‘Remember Night! ’
What is the end of each man’s toil… Brother, O Brother? A handful of dust in a bit of soil… His name forgotten as centuries ro… Though blazoned to-day on Glory’s…
I strolled last eve across the lon… One solitary picture struck my eye… A distant ploughboy stood against… How far he seemed above the noisy… Upon the bosom of a cloud the sod
Time has made conquest of so many… That once were mine. Swift-foote… That ran to meet the years; bold b… That broke all laws of reason unaf… And laughed at talk of punishment.
Show me the way that leads to the… I do not care what tempests may as… I shall be given courage for the s… I know my strength will not desert… I know that I shall conquer in th…
In the still jungle of the senses… A tiger soundly sleeping, till one… A bold young hunter chanced to com… ‘How calm,’ he said, ‘that splendi… I long to rouse him into swift sur…
All love that has not friendship f… Is like a mansion built upon the s… Though brave its walls as any in t… And its tall turrets lift their he… Though skillful and accomplished a…
[On the election of the Roman Emperor Maximus, by the Senate, A.D. 238, a powerful army, headed by the Thracian giant Maximus, laid siege to Aquileia. Though poorly prepared for war, t...
I called to the summer sun, “Come over the hills to-day! Unlock the rivers, and tell them t… And kiss the snow-drifts and melt… And the sun came over – a tardy lo…
Oh! I feel the growing glory Of our life upon this sphere, Of the life that like a river Runs forever and forever, From the somewhere to the here,
Do you know what moves the tides As they swing from low to high? ’Tis the love, love, love, Of the moon within the sky. Oh! they follow where she guides,
Let me lean hard upon the Eternal… In all earth’s devious ways, I so… And found it not. I will be stron… And lean upon myself. I will not… And importune all heaven with my c…
‘Only be still, and in the silence… If thou art seeking what the gods… This is the simple, safe, and cert… That leads to knowledge for which… Of higher laws to govern things be…
Thank Fate for foes! I hold mine… As valued friends. He cannot know The zest of life who runneth here His earthly race without a foe. I saw a prize, “Run,” cried my fr…