#Americans #Women
In Nature’s bright blossoms not a… That strange subtle essence more r… Which lies in the hearts of carnat… That unexplained something by men… Though modest the flower, yet grea…
That which we had we still possess… Though leaves may drop and stars m… No circumstance can make it less Or take it from us, all in all. That which is lost we did not own;
Dost thou not tire, Isaura, of th… ‘What play?’ Why, this old play o… Nay, now, lift not thine eyes in t… ’Tis all in vain—I know thee and… Let us be frank, Isaura. I have m…
The meadow and the mountain with d… Gazed on each other, till a fierce… Surged ‘neath the meadow’s seeming… And all the mountain’s fissures ra… A mighty river rolled between them…
Think of it, think of it over the… Thousands of men to-day march on t… Think how the sun shines on fields… How the air chokes, with the canno… How in the shadows, perchance, of…
What does our country need? No a… With sabres gleaming ready for the… Not increased navies, skilful and… To bound the waters with an iron m… Not haughty men with glutted purse…
Most blest is he who in the mornin… Sets forth upon his journey with n… Shaped by another for his use. W… The imminent necessity for toil, And with each morning wakens to th…
When Christmas bells are swinging… We hear sweet voices ringing from… And etched on vacant places, Are half forgotten faces Of friends we used to cherish, and…
O praise me not with your lips, de… Though your tender words I prize. But dearer by far is the soulful g… Of your eyes, your beautiful eyes Your tender, loving eyes.
When my blood flows calm as a purl… When my heart is asleep and my bra… It is then that I vow we must par… That I will forget you, and put y… Out of my life, as a dream is bani…
My heart is like a little bird That sits and sings for very gladn… Sorrow is some forgotten word, And so, except in rhyme, is sadnes… The world is very fair to me—
When your love begins to wane, Spare me from the cruel pain Of all speech that tells me so - Spare me words, for I shall know, By the half-averted eyes,
Last summer, lazing by the sea, I met a most entrancing creature, Her black eyes quite bewildered me… She had a Spanish cast of feature… She often smoked a cigarette,
As the funeral train with its hono… On its mournful way went sweeping, While a sorrowful nation bowed its… And the whole world joined in weep… I thought, as I looked on the sol…
The Day has never understood the… Though sired by one Creative Powe… The White Man ever fails to read… Though from the self-same Source… So deep and wide, the Great Divid…