I held the golden vessel of my sou… And prayed that God would fill it… Day after day the importuning cry Grew stronger-grew, a heaven-accus… Because no sacred waters laved my…
Is the goal distant, and troubled… And the way long? And heavy your load? Then gird up your courage, and say… And keep going.
Just as I shape the purport of my… Lord of the Universe, shape Thou… Let each ill thought that in my he… Mould circumstance and bring ill l… Until I weed the garden of my min…
A Tribute To The Policemen Of E… Here in my cosy corner, Before a blazing log, I’m thinking of cold London Wrapped in its killing fog;
The Radiant Ruler of Mystic Regi… Where souls of artists are fitted… Gathered together their lovely leg… And fashioned a woman to shine on… They bathed her in splendor
Two dead men boarded a spectral sh… In the astral Port of Space; On that ghost-filled barque, they… And halted, face to face. ‘Now whither away’– called one of…
Strange are the ways that her feet… Since first she was set in the pat… Finished and fair by the hand of… To carry her message of love and b… Delicate creature of light and sha…
They are waking, they are waking, In the east, and in the west; They are throwing wide their windo… And they see the dawn is breaking, And they quiver with unrest,
I am thinking of the Springtime On the farm out in the West, When my world held nothing for me… (Save a courage all undaunted), And my foolish little rhymes,
If one proves weak who you fancied… Or false who you fancied true, Just ease the smart of your wounde… By the thought that it is not you! If many forget a promise made,
Over and over the task was set, Over and over I slighted the work… But ever and alway I knew that ye… I must face and finish the toil I… Over and over the whip of pain
Wherever the white man’s feet have… (Oh far does the white man stray) A bold road rifles the virginal so… And the forest wakes out of its dr… To yield him the right of way.
Above her veil a shrouded Moorish… Showed melting eyes, as limpid as… A brow untouched by care; a band o… And nothing more. The all-conceal… Fell to her high arched instep. A…
When God created this good world A few stupendous peaks were hurled From His strong hand, and they re… The wonder of the level plain. But these colossal heights are rar…
Death! I know not what room you… But I will go my way, Rejoicing day by day, Nor will I flee or stay For fear I tread the path you may…
The days grow shorter, the nights… The headstones thicken along the w… And life grows sadder, but love gr… For those who walk with us day by… The tear comes quicker, the laugh…
Pausing a moment ere the day was d… While yet the earth was scintillan… I backward glanced. From valley,… At intervals, where my life-path h… Rose cross on cross; and nailed up…
The voices of the city—merged and… Into a mighty dissonance of sound, And from the medley rose these bro… In changing time and ever-changing… Pleasure seekers, silken clad,
If Christ came questioning His wo… (If Christ came questioning,) ‘What hast thou done to glorify th… Since last My feet this lower ear… How could I answer Him; and in wh…
A beautiful great lady, past her p… Behold her dreaming in her easy ch… Gray robed, and veiled; in laces o… Her smiling eyes see but the vanis… Of splendid prowess, and of deeds…
‘Be not attached.’ So runs the g… For those who seek to ‘know’ and ‘… Who sounds the waters of the deepe… Must first draw up his anchor and… But not for me, that knowledge.…
Along a narrow Moorish street A blue-eyed soldier strode. (Ah, well-a-day.) Veiled from her lashes to her feet She stepped from her abode,
I am the Voice of the Voiceless Through me the dumb shall speak Till the world’s deaf ear be made… The wrongs of the wordless weak. Oh shame on the mothers of mortals
Time has made conquest of so many… That once were mine. Swift-foote… That ran to meet the years; bold b… That broke all laws of reason unaf… And laughed at talk of punishment.
I have listened to the sighing of… I have heard it change to crying,… I have seen the money-getters pass… As they went to forge new fetters… Then the voice of Labour thundere…
Arise, O master artist of the age… And paint the picture which at onc… Immortal art and bless’d prophecy. The bruiséd vision of the world as… To earth’s dark book add one illum…
Wife Reach out your arms, and hold me c… Tell me there are no memories of y… That mar this love of ours, so gre… Husband
With brooding mien and sultry eyes… Outside the gates of Paradise Eve sat, and fed the faggot flame That lit the path whence Adam cam… (Strange are the workings of a wom…
All in the time when Earth did mo… The cold, ungracious aspect of you… Sweet Summer came, and bade him s… She wove bright garlands, and in w… She bound him willing captive. D…
All roads that lead to God are go… What matters it, your faith, or mi… Both centre at the goal divine Of love’s eternal Brotherhood. The kindly life in house or street…
Now ere I slept, my prayer had be… To do the will of Christ, our Lor… And with this prayer upon my lips… But suddenly the world of night a… From forest, and from slaughter ho…
Oh! by and by we shall hear the cr… ‘This is the way to Mars.’ Come take a trip, on the morning… It sails by the Isle of Stars. ‘A glorious view of planets new
In books I read, how men have liv… With hopeless love deep in their b… While she for whom they long in se… Went on her way, nor guessed this… In real life, I never chanced to…
There is no progress in the world… However wise and wonderful they ar… Their wisdom makes not increase.… To wider goals, in that tense stri… A Sovereign Ruler? Forth from f…
The roses all were pink and red, Before the Bumble Bee, A lover bold, with cloak of gold, Came singing merrily Along the sunlit ways that led
I look to Science for the cure of… To patient righting of a thousand… To final healing of a thousand ill… Blind runner now, and cruel egotis… It yet leads on to more than morta…
They prize not most the opulence o… Who from the year’s beginning to i… Dwell, where unfading verdure tire… And where sweet summer’s harp is k… We must have listened to the winte…
I love the tropics, where sun and… Go forth together, a joyous train, To hold up the green, gay side of… And to keep earth’s banners of blo… I love the scents that are hidden…
Most blest is he who in the mornin… Sets forth upon his journey with n… Shaped by another for his use. W… The imminent necessity for toil, And with each morning wakens to th…
A drop of water risen from the oce… Forgot its cause, and spake with d… Unto a passing breeze. ‘How deso… And all forlorn is my unhappy fate… I know not whence I came, or wher…
Oh! I feel the growing glory Of our life upon this sphere, Of the life that like a river Runs forever and forever, From the somewhere to the here,
So much one thought about the life… He did not drain the waters of his… And when death laid his children ’… He called it—‘the mysterious will… He would not strive for worldly ga…
‘Only be still, and in the silence… If thou art seeking what the gods… This is the simple, safe, and cert… That leads to knowledge for which… Of higher laws to govern things be…
I’m pardoned out. Again the stars Shine on me with their myriad eyes… So long I’ve peered ‘twixt iron b… I’m awed by this expanse of skies. The world is wider than I thought…
Oh, vain is the stern protesting Of winds, when the tide runs high; And vainly the deep-sea waters Call out, as the waves speed by; For, deaf to the claim of the ocea…
To each progressive soul there com… When all things that have pleased… Grow flavourless, the springs of j… No more the waters of youth’s foun… Yet out of reach, tiptoeing as the…
Not we who daily walk the city’s Not those who have been cradled in… Best understand its architectural… Or realise its grandeur. Oft we… Some stranger who has staid his pa…
There is no summit you may not att… No purpose which you may not yet a… If you will wait serenely and beli… Each seeming loss is but a step to… Between the mountain-tops lie vale…
There is a room serene and fair, All palpitant with light and air; Free from the dust, world’s noise… God’s Tower-room in each of us. Oh! many a stair our feet must pre…
He never made a fortune, or a nois… In the world where men are seeking… But he had a healthy brood of girl… Who loved the very ground on which… They thought him just little short…
Kamehameha First, of the Hawaiian Islands, conquered his foes in a great battle, driving them over the high mountain peak known as Pali– one of the famous scenic views of the world, and...