Elizabeth Slonaker

Plea to a Soul Mate

I have returned to you,
My love.
From the tears I am shedding,
I must have missed you.
The fault is mine
For seeking love
Beyond our walls.
But still I am singed
Around the edges,
For you so easily
Let me go, let me leave
Our happy life
In a foolish search for something
And happy we were.
Though more passionate lovers
Have caressed this skin,
You gave me enough.
And that was enough.
It should have been enough.
But you allowed him
To tempt me away
From you—from us—from myself
Without so much as a
And how quickly I forgot you.
But you never strayed.
You waited oh so patiently
For my ever so certain return.
And when indeed he handed
The pieces
Of my shredded soul
Back to you
In that tattered shoebox
On the doorstep of our home,
You said not a word
But gave a quick nod—
I have it from here—
And quietly closed the door.
Alone together once more,
You took me in your arms,
Instantly forgiven
And entirely yours.
But already I am restless.
Oh, I beg of you,
As my solitary true love,
Fight for me now, Loneliness,
Don’t let me leave you again.
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