#EnglishWriters #VictorianWriters
There was an Old Man, on whose no… Most birds of the air could repose… But they all flew away At the closing of day, Which relieved that Old Man and h…
There was an Old Man of Bohemia, Whose daughter was christened Eup… Till one day, to his grief, She married a thief, Which grieved that Old Man of Bo…
There was an Old Man of Coblenz, The length of whose legs was immen… He went with one prance From Turkey to France, That surprising Old Man of Coble…
There was an Old Man of Madras, Who rode on a cream-coloured ass; But the length of its ears, So promoted his fears, That it killed that Old Man of M…
A tumbled down, and hurt his… B said, "My Boy, O! do not c… C said, "A Cup of Coffee hot… D said, "A Doctor should be f… E said, "An Egg beat up in mi…
There was an old man of Thermopyl… Who never did anything properly; But they said, "If you choose, To… You shall never remain in Thermop…
There was an Old Man of the West… Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest… When they said, ‘Does it fit?’ He replied, ‘Not a bit!’ That uneasy Old Man of the West.
Time is a taper waning fast! Use it, man, well whilst it doth l… Lest burning downwards it consume… Before thou hast commenced the lab… Time is a pardon of a goodly soil!
Once Mr Daddy Long-Legs, Dressed in brown and gray, Walked about upon the sands Upon a summer’s day; And there among the pebbles,
There was an Old Person in Gray, Whose feelings were tinged with di… She purchased two Parrots, And fed them with Carrots, Which pleased that Old Person in…
There was an Old Person of Rheim… Who was troubled with horrible dre… So, to keep him awake They fed him on cake, Which amused that Old Person of…
center A was once an apple pie, Pidy Widy Tidy
Two old Bachelors were living in… One caught a Muffin, the other ca… Said he who caught the Muffin to… “This happens just in time! For w… Save a tiny slice of lemon and a t…
There was a Young Lady of Parma, Whose conduct grew calmer and calm… When they said, ‘Are you dumb?’ She merely said, ‘Hum!’ That provoking Young Lady of Par…
There was an Old Person of Tring… Who embellished his nose with a ri… Ha gazed at the moon Every evening in June, That ecstatic Old Person in Trin…