#English #XXCentury
I NEVER knew him, for he never… Up as so many strong little ones d… Just a year on the earth with his… God came and took Jimmy to heaven… And 't was years after that when…
Often as we watched her there From our lips there fell this pray… ‘God, give us the pain to bear! Let us suffer in her place, Take the anguish from her face,
Get off your downy cots of ease, There’s work that must be done. Great danger’s riding on the seas. The storm is coming on. Don’t think that it will quickly p…
Here’s to the men! Since Adam’s t… They’ve always been the same; Whenever anything goes wrong, The woman is to blame. From early morn to late at night,
No war is won by cannon fire alone… The soldier bears the grim and dre… He dies to serve the Flag that he… His duty is to gain the distant go… But if the toiler in his homeland…
Until she died we never knew The beauty of our faith in God. We’d seen the summer roses nod And wither as the tempests blew, Through many a spring we’d lived t…
‘They tie you down,’ a woman said, Whose cheeks should have been flam… With shame to speak of children so… ‘When babies come you cannot go In search of pleasure with your fr…
GIVE me a single day, I ask no m… From dawn to dusk, ah, that is tim… To reach the goal that I am striv… There is no need of further puttin… The little deeds of kindness I ma…
Be more than his dad, Be a chum to the lad; Be a part of his life Every hour of the day; Find time to talk with him,
My name is Johnny Vincent Brown, I live on Leicester Court, My Pa’s not here, he’s gone downt… An’ I am three feet short, An’ I weigh sixty-three pounds, t…
Turn me loose and let me be Young once more and fancy free; Let me wander where I will, Down the lane and up the hill, Trudging barefoot in the dust
You never hear the robins brag abo… Nor do they stop their music gay w… God taught them how to sing an’ wh… To use their talents day by day th… An’ rich or poor an’ sad or gay, t…
First thing in the morning, last… Get it when I come from school: '… Go upstairs this minute, an’ roll… An’ give your hands a scrubbing an… Now don’t stand there and argue, a…
Listen to the laughter of the broo… Listen to the chatter of the black… Stand an’ see the beauties of the… Then ask of God why mortals haven… Than to quarrel an’ to battle
JUST to do the little things And do them well from day to day, Enough of satisfaction brings To those who tread the simple way; To make the striving here worth wh…