Edgar Albert Guest

Don’T You Know

H’it’s h’easy to be 'appy,
Don’t you know;
There’s no sense in being snappy,
Don’t you know;
Wot’s the use h’of being grumpy,
H’or a bally rotter mumpy?
Folks don’t like a fellow dumpy,
Don’t you know.
H’every one h’as fits h’of sadness,
Don’t you know;
No ones life h’is wholly gladness,
Don’t you know;
H’if todye you taste h’of sorrow,
H’or a shilling 'ave to borrow,
Frowning won’t 'elp things tomorrow,
Don’t you know.
O, a gloomy cus h’is silly,
Don’t you know;
‘E’s a downright balmy Billy,
Don’t you know;
H’instead of h’alwyes moping
With 'is lips h’in downward sloping,
‘E should smile h’and keep on 'oping,
Don’t you know.
O, my word! H’if I were willing,
Don’t you know,
H’every time h’I’d lack a shilling,
Don’t you know,
H’in me wye so very 'umble,
H’I could start a dismal mumble,
But h’I larf– –h’I never grumble——
Don’t you know.
Tyke the time the guv’or sacked me,
Don’t you know;
good h’old chap!  'E’d alwyes backed me,
Don’t you know;
‘E got ’ot and sent me flying,
Cut me h’off– –there’s no use lying——
But h’I larffed h’instead of crying,
Don’t you know.
H’and h’I’m 'ere on h’earth, still grinning,
Don’t you know;
Back once more h’at the beginning,
Don’t you know;
Tyking life the wye h’I find it,
Never arskin’ wot’s be’ind it,
Though h’it’s 'ard h’I do not mind it,
Don’t you know.
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