There’s the mother at the doorway,… And the little parlor windows with… There are shaggy asters blooming i… And the simplest of the blossoms s… Oh, there isn’t any mansion undern…
Isn’t it fine when the day is done… And the petty battles are lost or… When the gold is made and the ink… To quit the struggle and turn asid… To spend an hour with your boy in…
‘You’re spoiling them!' the mother… When I give way to weepy eyes And let them do the things they wi… Like cleaning up the jelly dish, Or finishing the chocolate cake,
There’s nothing cheers a fellow up… A handclasp and an honest smile th… And when at friendly doors you rin… From all life’s doubts to hear the… see you!’
We play at our house and have all… An’ there’s always a game when sup… An’ at our house there’s marks on… An’ some terrible scratches on som… An’ ma says that our house is sure…
God grant me these: the strength… Some needed service here; The wisdom to be brave and true; The gift of vision clear, That in each task that comes to me
‘Tell us a story,’ comes the cry From little lips when nights are c… And in the grate the flames leap h… ‘Tell us a tale of pirates bold, Or fairies hiding in the glen,
She never closed her eyes in sleep… On party nights till we came home… We little thought about it then, w… How much the mother worried when w… We only knew she never slept when…
I look into the faces of the peopl… The glad ones and the sad ones, an… And I wonder why the sorrow or th… But the pale and weary faces are t… I saw a face this morning, and tim…
I remember the excitement and the… That worried everybody when Willi… An’ how frantic Pa and Ma got onl… When they couldn’t find the baby c… But I’m sure there’s no excitemen…
I don’t see why Pa likes him so, And seems so glad to have him come… He jabs my ribs and wants to know If here and there it’s hurting som… He holds my wrist, coz there are t…
Full many a flag the breeze has ki… Through ages long the morning sun Has risen over the early mist The flags of men to look upon. And some were red against the sky,
Give me the house where the toys a… Where the dolls are asleep in the… Where the building blocks and the… And the soldiers guard the stairs. Let me step in a house where the t…
One never knows How far a word of kindness goes; One never sees How far a smile of friendship flee… Down, through the years,
Under the roof where the laughter… That’s where I long to be; There are all of the glorious thin… Meaning so much to me. There is where striving and toilin…
Let loose the sails of love and le… With breezes sweet with tenderness… Scorn not the praises youthful lov… Romance is old, but it is lovely s… Not he who shows his love deserves…
Got a sliver in my hand An’ it hurt t’ beat the band, An’ got white around it, too; Then the first thing that I knew It was all swelled up, an’ Pa
I’d like to think when life is don… That I had filled a needed post. That here and there I’d paid my f… With more than idle talk and boast… That I had taken gifts divine.
Somebody said that it couldn’t be… But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he w… Who wouldn’t say so till he’d trie… So he buckled right in with the tr…
You never hear the robins brag abo… Nor do they stop their music gay w… God taught them how to sing an’ wh… To use their talents day by day th… An’ rich or poor an’ sad or gay, t…
Who shall sit at the table, then,… of peace are made– The wisest men of the troubled lan… silver and gold brocade? Yes, they shall gather in solemn s…
When Mrs. Malone got a letter fro… She started to read it aloud in he… ‘Dear Mary,’ it started, 'I can’t… I’m somewhere in France, and I’m… I’m chokin’ wid news thot I’d lik…
We cannot count our friends, nor s… How many praise us day by day. Each one of us has friends that he Has yet to meet and really know, Who guard him, wheresoe’er they be…
Though some may yearn for titles g… I do not care to have an extra han… I am not hungry for the pomp of li… I do not sigh to sit among the hon… I shall be satisfied if I can be…
My father is a peaceful man; He tries in every way he can To live a life of gentleness And patience all the while. He says that needless fretting’s v…
A feller isn’t thinkin’ mean, Out fishin’; His thoughts are mostly good an’ c… Out fishin’. He doesn’t knock his fellow men.,
The little house has grown too sma… Too big to dwell within the walls… And so, obedient to the wish of he… I have agreed for sordid gold the… Now strangers come to see the plac…
I would rather be the daddy Of a romping, roguish crew, Of a bright-eyed chubby laddie And a little girl or two, Than the monarch of a nation
I hold the finest picture-books Are woods an’ fields an’ runnin’ b… An’ when the month o’ May has don… Her paintin’, an’ the mornin’ sun Is lightin’ just exactly right
I’m just the man to make things ri… To mend a sleigh or make a kite, Or wrestle on the floor and play Those rough and tumble games, but… Just let him get an ache or pain,
There’s a little chap at our house… Keeps the front lawn looking tidy… Doesn’t leave his little wagon, wh… On the sidewalk as he used to; now… When we call him in to supper, we…
Little lady at the altar, Vowing by God’s book and psalter To be faithful, fond and true Unto him who stands by you, Think not that romance is ended,
An apple tree beside the way, Drinking the sunshine day by day According to the Master’s plan, Had been a faithful friend to man. It had been kind to all who came,
Along the paths o’ glory there are… There are youthful hearts and stur… From the rugged roads o’ duty they… To mingle with their brothers who… And they’re looking back and smili…
Cliffs of Scotland, guard them we… Shield them from the blizzard’s ra… Let your granite towers tell That those sleeping heroes fell In the service of their age.
‘Some day,’ says Ma, 'I’m goin’ t… A party dress all trimmed with jet… An’ hire a seamstress in, an’ she Is goin’ to fit it right on me; An’ then, when I’m invited out
A little ship goes out to sea As soon as we have finished tea; Off yonder where the big moon glow… This tiny little vessel goes, But never grown-up eyes have seen
She is gentle, kind and fair, And there’s silver in her hair; She has known the touch of sorrow, But the smile of her is sweet; And sometimes it seems to me
There’s a bump on his brow and a s… That is plainly the stain of his t… At his neck there’s a glorious sun… The bronze of his happiest years. Oh, he’s battered and bruised at t…
Last night I caught him on his kn… And oh, the guilty look he wore, a… When I, pretending to be cross, s… game?’ As if, back in the long ago, I ha…
First thing in the morning, last… Get it when I come from school: '… Go upstairs this minute, an’ roll… An’ give your hands a scrubbing an… Now don’t stand there and argue, a…
‘They tie you down,’ a woman said, Whose cheeks should have been flam… With shame to speak of children so… ‘When babies come you cannot go In search of pleasure with your fr…
God grant that we shall never see Our country slave to lust and gree… God grant that here all men shall… United by a common creed. Here Freedom’s Flag has held the…
How’s the little chap to know Just the proper roads to go If you never travel with him While he’s little, hand in hand? How’s he ever going to learn
Sure, they get stubborn at times;… fret us a lot, But I’d rather be crossed by a gl… and frequently worried than not. There are hours when they get on m…
My father knows the proper way The nation should be run; He tells us children every day Just what should now be done. He knows the way to fix the trusts…
Glad to be back home again, Where abide the friendly men; Glad to see the same old scenes And the little house that means All the joys the soul has treasure…
THE dead return. I know they do; The glad smile may have passed fro… The ringing voice that cheered us… In that remembered long ago Be stilled, and yet in sweeter way…
When winter shuts a fellow in and… There’s nothing else for him to do… And then before an open fire he sm… He seems to see a picture show of… No ordinary film is that which mem…
I’m sorry for a feller if he hasn’… To let him eat and do the things h… An aunt to come a visitin’ or one… Is just about the finest kind of l… Of course she’s not your mother, a…
I wish I was a poet like the men… The poems that we have to learn on… I’d write of things that children… An’ when the kids recited them the… If I’d been born a Whittier, inst…
The little woman, to her I bow And doff my hat as I pass her by; I reverence the furrows that mark… And the sparkling love light in he… The little woman who stays at home…
I can’t help thinkin’ o’ the lad! Here’s summer bringin’ trees to fr… An’ every bush with roses clad, An’ nature in her finest suit, An’ all things as they used to be
When mother baked an angel cake we… An’ watch her gentle hands at work… We’d watch her stir the eggs an’ f… An’ pour it in the crinkled tin, a… She’d spread the icing over it, an…
Some have the gift of song and som… Some have the gift of leadership a… And fame and wealth reward their f… told, But in good time their favorites g…
You can learn a lot from boys By the way they use their toys; Some are selfish in their care, Never very glad to share Playthings with another boy;
They’ve hung their stockings up wi… And I am in my old arm chair, And mother’s busy dragging out The parcels hidden all about. Within a corner, gaunt to see,
God made the little boys for fun,… He made their little legs to run a… He made them strong for climbing t… drums, And filled them full of revelries…
He shall be great who serves his c… He shall be loved who ever guards… His worth the starry banner long s… Who loves his land too much to sto… Who shares the splendor of these s…
You shall have satin and silk to w… When my ship comes in; And jewels to shine in your raven… When my ship comes in. Oh, the path is dreary to-day and…