We’re queer folks here. We’ll talk about the weather, The good times we have had togethe… The good times near, The roses buddin’, an’ the bees
In the corner she’s left the mecha… On the chair is her Teddy Bear fi… The things that I thought she wou… Don’t seem to be quite in her line… There’s the flaxen-haired doll tha…
Old-fashioned flowers! I love the… The morning-glories on the wall, The pansies in their patch of shad… The violets, stolen from a glade, The bleeding hearts and columbine,
When he has more than he can eat To feed a stranger’s not a feat. When he has more than he can spend It isn’t hard to give or lend. Who gives but what he’ll never mis…
Don’t want medals on my breast, Don’t want all the glory, I’m not worrying greatly lest The world won’t hear my story. A chance to dream beside a stream
When you’re up against a trouble, Meet it squarely, face to face; Lift your chin and set your should… Plant your feet and take a brace. When it’s vain to try to dodge it,
If all the flowers were roses, If never daisies grew, If no old-fashioned posies Drank in the morning dew, Then man might have some reason
The bright spots in my life are wh… Although that grim disturbance bri… The week between the old girl’s’ r… Is one that’s filled with happines… The charm of living’s back again—a…
I have no wish to rail at fate, And vow that I’m unfairly treated… I do not give vent to my hate Because at times I am defeated. Life has its ups and downs, I kno…
We understand a lot of things we n… And it seems that to each other M… I don’t know how to say it, but si… We have learned that to be happy w… You can share your joys and pleasu…
Ain’t no use as I can see In sittin’ underneath a tree An’ growlin’ that your luck is bad… An’ that your life is extry sad; Your life ain’t sadder than your n…
Vacation time! How glad it seemed When as a boy I sat and dreamed Above my school books, of the fun That I should claim when toil was… And, Oh, how oft my youthful eye
Every night she runs to me With a bandaged arm or a bandaged… A stone-bruised heel or a swollen… And in sorrowful tones she tells m… She fell and 'hurted herse’f to-da…
Adown the lanes of memory bloom al… And looking back we smile to see l… The little sprigs of mignonette th… The pansy and the violet, too swee… The gentle mother by the door care…
A year is filled with glad events: The best is Christmas day, But every holiday presents Its special round of play, And looking back on boyhood now
I reckon the finest sight of all That a man can see in this world o… Ain’t the works of art on the gall… Or the red an’ white o’ the fust s… Or a hoard o’ gold from the yellow…
I’ve’ felt some little thrills of… Along the pleasant lanes of life t… No great distinction have I claim… Some satisfactions sweet have come… But of the joyous thrills of life…
‘Men will grow weary,’ said the L… ‘Of working for their bed and boar… They’ll weary of the money chase And want to find a resting place Where hum of wheel is never heard
Show the flag and let it wave As a symbol of the brave Let it float upon the breeze As a sign for each who sees That beneath it, where it rides,
It’s good to have the trees again,… It’s good to see the lilacs bloom… It’s good that we can feel again t… For hearts and minds, of sorrow no… The roses haven’t changed a bit, n…
To serve my country day by day At any humble post I may; To honor and respect her flag, To live the traits of which I bra… To be American in deed
The road to laughter beckons me, The road to all that’s best; The home road where I nightly see The castle of my rest; The path where all is fine and fai…
It makes me smile to hear 'em tell… The burdens they are bearing, with… Of course the cost of living has g… And our kids are wearing garments… Now my father wasn’t wealthy, but…
The job will not make you, my boy; The job will not bring you to fame Or riches or honor or joy Or add any weight to your name. You may fail or succeed where you…
I can pass up the lure of a jewel… With never the trace of a sigh, The things on a shelf that I’d li… I never regret I can’t buy. I can go through the town passing…
The mother on the sidewalk as the… Is the mother of Old Glory that i… Men have fought to keep it splendi… But that flag was born of woman an… ’Tis her sacrifice has made it, an…
The finest tribute we can pay Unto our hero dead to-day, Is not a rose wreath, white and re… In memory of the blood they shed; It is to stand beside each mound,
I stood and watched him playing, A little lad of three, And back to me came straying The years that used to be; In him the boy was Maying
The stick-together families are ha… Than the brothers and the sisters… The gladdest people living are the… A circle at the fireside that no p… And the finest of conventions ever…
If certain folks that I know well Should come to me their woes to te… I’d read the sorrow in their faces And I could analyze their cases. I watch some couples day by day
Sunshine and shadow, blue sky and… Laughter and tears as we tread on… Hearts that are heavy, then hearts… Eyes that are misty and eyes that… Losses and gains in the heat of th…
If he is honest, kindly, true, And glad to work from day to day; If when his bit of toil is through With children he will stoop to pla… If he does always what he can
Last year he wanted building block… And picture books and toys, A saddle horse that gayly rocks, And games for little boys. But now he’s big and all that stuf…
The dead friends live and always w… Their presence hovers round us sti… It seems to me they come to share Each joy or sorrow that we bear. Among the living I can feel
Laughter sort o’ settles breakfast… Found it, somehow in my travels, c… When the hired help have riled me… An’ I’m bilin’ mad an’ cussin’ an… If the calf gets me to laughin’ wh…
If I had lived in Franklin’s time… Beholding him out in the rain, a k… And noticing upon its tail the bar… Would, with the scoffers on the st… And with a sneer upon my lips I w…
The pathway of the living is our e… Let us do our best to smooth it an… Let us travel it with kindness, le… And give unto the living what we’d… The pathway of the living we can b…
The world is full of gladness, There are joys of many kinds, There’s a cure for every sadness, That each troubled mortal finds. And my little cares grow lighter
We’ve raised a flagpole on the far… And flung Old Glory to the sky, And it’s another touch of charm That seems to cheer the passer-by, But more than that, no matter wher…
There are different kinds of heroe… They get their pictures printed, a… There are heroes known to glory th… In the service of their country an… There are brave men in the trenche…
When I was a boy, and it chanced… Mother would always watch for me; She used to stand by the window pa… Worried and troubled as she could… And this was the question I used…
I am eager once more to feel easy, I’m weary of thinking of dress; I’m heartily sick of stiff collars… And trousers the tailor must press… I’m eagerly waiting the glad days—
My grandpa is the finest man Excep’ my pa. My grandpa can Make kites an’ carts an’ lots of t… You pull along the ground with str… And he knows all the names of bird…
The train of cars that Santa brou… While pa was showing how they went… They used to run around a track’at… Would let me take them in my hands… I could ’a’ had some fun with 'em,…
You think that the failures are ma… You think the successes are few, But you judge by the rule of the p… And not by the good that men do. You judge men by standards of trea…
She said she was sorry the weather… The night that she asked us to din… And she really appeared inexpressi… Because she had hoped 'twould be f… She was sorry to hear that my wife…
I’ve trod the links with many a ma… And played him club for club; ’Tis scarce a year since I began And I am still a dub. But this I’ve noticed as we stray…
Here she walked and romped about, And here beneath this apple tree Where all the grass is trampled ou… The swing she loved so used to be. This path is but a path to you,
The little old man with the curve… And the eyes that are dim and the… So slack that it wrinkles and roll… With a thin little voice that goes… Never goes to the store but that r…
Last night I got to thinkin’ of t… When I still had on knee breeches… An’ my Sunday suit was velvet. Ma… But I know I didn’t like it—eithe… It was far too girlish for me, for…
Last night I held my arms to you And you held yours to mine And started out to march to me As any soldier fine. You lifted up your little feet
It’s ‘be a good boy, Willie,’ And it’s ‘run away and play, For Santa Claus is coming With his reindeer and his sleigh.’ It’s 'mind what mother tells you,
There never was a family without i… With legs a little longer than the… An’ a shock of hair that brush an’… An’ hands that somehow never seem… The one with freckled features and…
I do not quarrel with the gas, Our modern range is fine, The ancient stove was doomed to pa… From Time’s grim firing line, Yet now and then there comes to me
You can boast your round of pleasu… Where the orchestra is playing to… And your after-opera dinner you ma… But that can’t compare, I’m certa… When I reach my little dwelling—s…
‘The world is against me,’ he said… ‘Somebody stops every scheme that… The world has me down and it’s kee… I don’t get a chance. Oh, the wor… When a fellow is poor then he can’…
I know that what I did was wrong; I should have sent you far away. You tempted me, and I’m not stron… I tried but couldn’t answer nay. I should have packed you off to be…
The world is filled with bustle an… It is filled with restless people… You can read it in their faces; th… When they’ll come to fame and fort… And I think as I behold them, tho…
My books and I are good old pals: My laughing books are gay, Just suited for my merry moods When I am wont to play. Bill Nye comes down to joke with…
I hold no dream of fortune vast, Nor seek undying fame. I do not ask when life is past That many know my name. I may not own the skill to rise