When all that matters shall be wri… And the long record of our years i… Where sham, like flesh, must peris… When the tomb closes on our fair r… And priest and layman, sage and mo…
Until she died we never knew The beauty of our faith in God. We’d seen the summer roses nod And wither as the tempests blew, Through many a spring we’d lived t…
I must get out to the woods again,… Away from the haunts of pale-faced… I must get out where the skies are… Out where there’s never a task to… I must get out on the trails once…
Mother and the baby! Oh, I know n… For all the dreams of all the worl… And be the baby in his cot or nest… The picture they present is one wi… Mother and the baby—and the mother…
Old-fashioned letters! How good t… And nobody writes them now; Never at all comes in the scrawl On the written pages which told us… The news of town and the folks we…
Jes’ the sort o’ weather and jes’… Which seem to suit my fancy, with… On a sea o’ smooth blue water. Oh… With an 'I’ in all my thinkin’, b… That the Lord who made us humans…
My Pa says that he used to be A bright boy in geography; An’ when he went to school he knew The rivers an’ the mountains, too, An’ all the capitals of states
I wonder if he’ll stop to think, When the long years have traveled… Who heard his plea: ‘I want a dri… Who was the first to hear him cry? I wonder if he will recall
I’ve watched him change from his b… To little frocks, and later on I… And though it was of calico, those… Until the day we all agreed ’twas… I say I’ve seen the changes come,…
When I was just a little lad Not more than eight or nine, One special treat to make me glad Was set apart as ‘mine.’ On baking days she granted me
When the umpire calls you out, It’s no use to stamp and shout, Wildly kicking dust about— Play the game! And though his decision may
Once the house was lovely, but it’… For time has come an’ stained its… An’ all that’s left for mother an’… Is to sit an’ tell each other what… We couldn’t keep 'em always an’ we…
I must be fit for a child to play… Fit for a youngster to walk away w… Fit for his trust and fit to be Ready to take him upon my knee; Whether I win or I lose my fight,
Grandmother says when I pass her… ‘Just half of that, please.’ If I serve her the tenderest port… ‘Just half of that, please.’ And be the dessert a rice pudding…
I would not be too wise’so very wi… That I must sneer at simple songs… And let the glare of wisdom blind… To humble people and their humble… I would not care to climb so high…
The house is as it was when she wa… There’s nothing changed at all abo… The books she loved to read are wa… As if to-morrow they would see her… Her room remains the way it used t…
Bit of a priest and a bit of sailo… Bit of a doctor and bit of a tailo… Bit of a lawyer, and bit of detect… Bit of a judge, for his work is co… Cheering the living and soothing t…
A boy and his dad on a fishing tri… There is a glorious fellowship! Father and son and the open sky, And the white clouds lazily drifti… And the laughing stream as it runs…
There’s a heap o’ satisfaction in… An’ I’m always glad I’m livin’ wh… An’ I guess at every meal-time I’… For I like whatever dishes Mother… But there’s just one bit of eatin’…
I’m sorry for a fellow if he canno… In a grate fire’s friendly flaming… If in quiet contemplation of a che… He sees nothing there recalling al… Then his mind is dead to fancy and…
I have a kindly neighbor, one who… Beside my gate and chats with me a… Gives me the glory of his radiant… And comes at times to help with wi… No station high or rank this man c…
Death crossed his threshold yester… And left the glad voice of his lov… To him the living now will come And cross his threshold in the sel… To clasp his hand and vainly try t…
There never comes a lonely day but… Of those who used to walk with us… We seldom miss the earthly great’t… But, as the years go racing by, we… The chair wherein he used to sit r…
There is no music quite so sweet As patter of a baby’s feet. Who never hears along the hall The sound of tiny feet that fall Upon the floor so soft and low
This is the phrase they love to sa… ‘Just like a man!’ You can hear it wherever you chanc… ‘Just like a man!’ The wife of the toiler, the queen…
It needed just an extra turn to ma… A few more minutes on the job and… But he begrudged the extra turn, a… The man was back for more repairs… Two men there are in every place,…
Some fellers’ pas seem awful old, An’ talk like they was going to sc… An’ their hair’s all gone, an’ the… Or holler an’ shout when they come… They don’t get out in the street a…
Perhaps the victory shall not come… Perhaps I shall not reach the goa… It may be at the last I shall be… And falter as the promised land I… Yet I must try for it and strive…
When I was but a little lad, my o… That none should wind the clock bu… He’d fumble for the curious key ke… And set aside that little task ent… In time Grandfather passed away,…
We were sittin’ there, and smokin’ of our pipes, discussi… Like taxes, votes for wimmin, an’ the totterin’ thrones of kings… When he ups an’ strokes his whiske…
When a cake is nicely frosted and… And it looks as trim and proper as… Would it puzzle you at evening as… To find the chocolate missing from… As you viewed the cake in sorrow w…
Been down to the art museum an’ lo… The bodies of ancient mummies an’… An’ some of the walls were lovely,… But all had a rail around 'em, an’… Now maybe an art museum needs guar…
It’s mighty hard for Mother’I am… And the tasks of every morning kee… And I’m not forever meeting with… To remind me of our sorrow when I… But with Mother it is different’t…
If I had youth I’d bid the world… I’d answer every challenge to my w… Though mountains stood in silence… I’d try to make them subject to my… I’d keep my dreams and follow wher…
All things grow lovely in a little… The brush of memory paints a canva… The dead face through the ages wea… And glorious becomes accomplished… There’s nothing ugly that can live…
Last night he said the dead were d… And scoffed my faith to scorn; I found him at a tulip bed When I passed by at morn. ‘O ho!’ said I, ‘the frost is nea…
He was down and out, and his pluck… And he said to me in a gloomy way: ‘I’ve wasted my chances, one by on… And I’m just no good, as the peop… Nothing ahead, and my dreams all d…
I’ve tried the high-toned speciali… I’ve heard the throat man whisper… I’ve sat in fancy offices and wait… And paid for fifteen minutes what… But while these scientific men are…
I’d like to give 'em all they ask’… And say they cannot have the thing… Yet now and then they plead for wh… Or what I can’t afford to buy, an… They little know or understand how…
To-day it’s dirt and dust and stea… To-morrow it will be the same, And through it all the soul must d… And try to play a manly game; Dirt, dust and steam and harsh com…
Looks as though a cyclone hit him’ Can’t buy clothes that seem to fit… An’ his cheeks are rough like leat… Made for standin’ any weather. Outwards he was fashioned plainly,
Mothers never change, I guess, In their tender thoughtfulness. Makes no difference that you grow Up to forty years or so, Once you cough, you’ll find that s…
Life is a jest; Take the delight of it. Laughter is best; Sing through the night of it. Swiftly the tear
This I would claim for my success… Nor the throng’s changing cheers f… Not always ease and fortune’s glad… Though all of these are pleasant j… But I would like to have my story…
The roses are bedded for winter, t… The robins and martins have left u… The garden seems solemnly silent,… And I feel like a lonely old fell… All summer I’ve hovered about the…
Somebody wants a new bonnet to wea… Somebody wants a new dress; Somebody needs a new bow for her h… And never the wanting grows less. Oh, this is the reason I labor ea…
He brought me his report card from… He wasn’t very proud of it and sad… He was excellent in reading, but a… And I noticed there were several… But one little bit of credit which…
The miser thinks he’s living when… The soldier calls it living when h… The sailor thinks it living to be… And upon this very subject no two… But I hold to the opinion, as I w…
A warm house and a ruddy fire, To what more can man aspire? Eyes that shine with love aglow, Is there more for man to know? Whether home be rich or poor,
Nine passed him by with a hasty lo… Each bent on his eager way; One glance at him was the most the… “Somebody stuck,” said they; But it never occurred to the nine…
The great were once as you. They whom men magnify to-day Once groped and blundered on life’… Were fearful of themselves, and th… By magic was men’s greatness wroug…
Bill Jones, who goes to school wi… Is the saddest boy I ever see. He’s just so 'fraid he runs away When all of us fellows want to pla… An’ says he dassent stay about
I have no wealth of gold to give a… But I can pledge to worthy causes… I’ll give my strength, my days and… My finest thought and courage when… And take some deed accomplished fo…