After Wisconsin, we see a Trumpeter Swan swimming in circles Donal Mahoney
Niagara Falls her silver hair so long it bounces off the swan
Wonder Woman they call Sylvia, who excels at raising money to put child abusers in prison. The money she raises allows attorneys to prosecute
We have something in common, a fellow I talk to now and then. We’re about the same age and perhaps the only ones in the diner who think our past lives are interesting. So when the two o...
When Bernie wakes at 6 a.m. there’s a piano on his chest and Erroll Garner’s playing “Mist… Sinatra’s on the headboard improvising lyrics
One, a nun, has her transfer in her hand. She’s silently praying. Another, a hooker, has her income in her purse.
All lives matter now unless they’re inconvenient. No room in the womb. Donal Mahoney
Since kindergarten Darius and Cla… have ridden the same bus to school from the city to way out in the su… They’re the only black kids in 8th… Their schoolmates have welcomed th…
This brilliant winter morning find… waves of snow on every lawn and red graffiti dripping from the walls of Temple Mizpah
Mike’s old now. His mind is somewhere in the Fifties. Every few weeks one of his kids takes
Although we’ll never again be body to body or mind to mind, you and the place and the years are alive every night in the lette… I’ve stored in my room.
It started with a smirk she managed to arrest. It returned seconds later in a sneer she pulled back but then it appeared again
The older I get the more beautiful they are without exception Donal Mahoney
In a life with many valleys and a few mountaintops Alvin has met many people he thought were normal and others he thought not.
A refugee from another country tel… people thrive on proving their bel… more than understanding one anothe… They will let a stereotype fall on… like a cheap dress as long as it f…