I bring a milkshake every other we… to an old man in a nursing home, a refugee from Germany who paid me 50 cents to cut his grass when I w… a kid in Chicago after WWII.
I’ll have to ask some preacher what if he comes when it’s inconvenient when I’m bowling or lifting a stein of lager
Used to be after a snow our doorbell would ring and we’d find boys with shovels in hand looking to make some money.
Strapped to his bed in the nursing home, he tells every nurse who comes in and tightens his straps
A long time ago you bothered him somehow. Since then he has bothered you back. You don’t know how or
Outside, the still of crickets. Inside, petals of a cold sore foliate,
If the poor we will always have with us, then the rich we will have with us as well. Our system gives birth to both. Greed is part of man’s nature,
There’s always something. Like the growth you found under your arm showering this morning but you decided to go
America had a choice November 8 between a devil they know and a devil they don’t. They chose
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
It’s a matter of beans, says Rosie, 79, legally blind, her fingers dancing across a Bible in braille, when a reporter asks her about
These are old people retired and driving slowly from small apartments in economy cars getting out on canes
Even though we’re getting older even rickety in some respects my wife and I remain involved in the joys of life.
Paul was at the office when the first atomic bomb fell and when Muntz TVs replaced console radios and the first man landed on the mo… He saw the first big computers tru…
This is Granny in the Ozarks call… Please come down before spring goes away for summer. The geese are coming through and landing on the pond