After the Inauguration, perhaps he will take his family on vacatio… Hawaii’s an oasis during the winte… But in time he’ll watch for someth… that will challenge his skill set.
How many times have I said I’m through teasing myself, through pretending I don’t enjoy the wreath of a woman
The older I get the more beautiful they are without exception Donal Mahoney
After Yeats and Heaney, you wonder when the new one will come galloping out of Dublin or perhaps from yet another farm
Although we’ll never again be body to body or mind to mind, you and the place and the years are alive every night in the lette… I’ve stored in my room.
When will you understand it’s all about me. The world we live in whirls around my axis. Once you understand
Both of them had been to Korea. Both of them had made it back. One found a job
With a smile, the POTUS tangoes in Argentina while in Belgium and the rest of the World people try not to cry.
It’s not good when two disturbed p… with little in common disagree by… on something important. Tone and content can get raucous and make matters worse because eac…
“Damn the vernal equinox! Full speed ahead!” is all that Cootie Murphy would ever say when he sat on the last stool at the end of the bar in The Stag & Doe Inn. He wouldn’t say it very ...
This traveling salesman has worn out six vans in 40 years and he hopes to retire soon. Age and illness
Every time we have a big election in America, my wife of many years asks me if I’m going to vote in the primary although she knows I never do because one has to decl…
You think he’d be more grateful. Neither rich nor poor he’s never wanted for anything. He’s always had what he needs but never had any gratitude
Memories never go away. They’re visitors from yesterday arriving unannounced often to a mixed reception. Faces aren’t clear but
It took awhile to find Osama. It will take awhile to find the Briton with his knife in the desert of Iraq. They may bring him back