long begrimed with dust a floor looking for a broom love me for my scuffs
i didn’t call her because i felt like being alone and celebratory sex wasn’t going t… to validate another year of suffer… another notch in the belt
I keep coming back just when ya think “there is no
sometimes a vampire wants to see t… but people of the village keep his… chained shut with garlic they wear crosses around their nec… so that if he ever does get out
she heard him crying before the knock at the door two cops with bad news
this shirt screams “i’m not still fucked up from last…
he lights one last flame home is where the burning is bed of devil’s rest
with the lamplight at my back it feels like someone else is ther… my ears are full of wax and ghosts everything i hear is haunted headphones plugged into a headston…
if significant to one and not to another maxims adages cliches
walking down the path that leads t… from 15th street i pass the same pothole that was t… twenty-two years ago as black and as deep as it was
to reach for the pen only when you need it is a mistake you must reach for it everyday eventually it grows familiar with…
man that lives to yearn sips at the tit of poison no will, but to die
Women were placed at the flames, accused of witchcraft, and the smoke of murder rose to the heavens. Man’s ignorant spirit bursting up to the gods, as if they didn’t already know how vi...
a foot wants the ground take each step with gratitude to walk is to live
we can wear the morning air like a jacket and move deep into those bright