the songs that have been played as it’s neck was tickled and it’s belly was rubbed those at the pawn shop have nightm… of too much Beatles
he staples a sign to a telephone p… hoping that anyone can help him find it winter is coming and he dreads the thought of it
if ever he drowns a swimmer will miss water life regrets no death
into another corner bar they go climbing stairs covered in clumps… praying they don’t slip carrying s… hundreds of pounds of amplificatio… they set up in the corner
Freezing is all that ever I felt; Carrot and coal fall to the ground… Sadly, when Spring comes, I will… As well goes my scarf, my coat, an… Death comes upon without sound.
when his jam comes on one second in an electric burst hits his gut he pulls his shoulders upright bites the left side of his bottom…
word traveled fast about the man with the crying ears sad with silence an absence of music left an absence in him
there will plenty of time to be si… when the abyss avalanches down upo… burying you deep into eternal abse… so raise your voice while you stil… because even if you can’t yell tom…
in the final moments of dusk you r… a last grab at redemption to no possible avail toward a jury of stars and the judgement of the moon
bills soaring like birds costs of living get higher income, falls from nest
an illness so cold he sees flames as medicine and treats his disease
when the rest of the world seemed… and the invisibility of god was to… i turned to a puppet a stuffed brown dog i had named Gr… i confided in him earnestly
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
“An unexamined life is not worth l… —Socrates “Suicide’s an alternative.” —Mike Muir humanity is the unwiped
apologies were often on the wind before her lips but when a girl’s got those big be… well