So here I am writing it down
Hope it will evolve, manifest, bring me a crown
Something at least to acknowledge the “smart”
Something that’s valid, big, that say’s “this girl gets art”
I have kept it in for such a great length of time
it’s grown taken over, like an unkempt greedy vine
I don’t want it to overtake, fill me up
drown me, the overflowing cup
The artist gets greedy and believe they’re all knowing
that’s my experience what I have seen
but I guess that’s my narrow mindedness showing
Wow, really? Am I that narrow minded that I judge each man
as a “doer” a “go getter” an oh so assured “I can”
I believed I was broader not to mention less judgemental
how foolish of me to think I had creative potential
I must apologise to my dear friend (lets name you) “Jim”
whom I drained and wore out until you gave in
I hope when you wake your not heavy and dishevelled
Even if you do remember, get up, fix, and get yourself level
You came through “Jim” you came through the dark
you took a huge bite like that blood thirsty shark
Now do you see how very strong you are?
Your passion, conviction will take you so so far
When the black dog chews your things and irritates you so
take him to the field, unhook the lead, let him go
You would have by now, trained him well
To the extreme, you enjoy him, he brings you out of your shell
do you see now, he was never your enemy, just untrained
and now look, from him, that internal knowledge has been gained
He came along, chose you and pitched up
no doubt at first you had thought “ugh, horrid, annoying and unwelcome mutt”
but since you have trained him and taken control isn’t it marvellous
he is no black hole
When you have never had a dog before you’ll understandably struggle to know how to train him
You may even think “good lord what are you for? what an earth am I gaining”
but sure enough when the heavy fog starts to clear
You quite quickly realize the poor mutt just needed you, someone dear
Now you have “inside” black dog info
Take the experience, turn in to something good, some huge educational show
Spread the word to those the black dog’s chosen
Make sure fellow men know they will thaw no matter how severely frozen
now you look back, you realize it wasn’t all dark, dull, gloomy nor black
now you feel love and happiness so much more and the reality is
its because the black dog knocked on your door
no doubt you look back at the hundreds that knocked before
realistically you were afraid, scared to want to know more
granted we say “oh yes I know the black dog”
“I have been there done my time lord what a slog”
The real test, in truth, was letting the black dog in
he caused chaos a riot and managed it behind a telling grin
he was toying, musing, playing with your world
gladly causing trouble whilst watching your mind uncurl
it gets to the point where that black dog is going to bite
pull in your resources, muster strength, all your will to fight
Begin with small, simple commands because if not you confuse him
you end up disarmed
A simple sit, stay, that will start you off well
you need to lure him back, contain him, put him back in his shell
He needs commands, a master that’s in control
an aim, easy start, small, a simple very do able goal
Before you know it the black dog and you
will be speaking the same language, every command he will do
his potential is now in front of your eyes
his obedience to you, a monumental surprise
You can look back now to the time he first came to you
to shake you, make you break and mould you
doubt your thoughts, beliefs, your ability’s, such things you held dear
for him a risk and for the motive, massively unclear
He wouldn’t go, would not leave you alone
he would not leave you poor mind in any peace
like oily hands, that “ugh, cant get it off” hard to clean, day old grease
So celebrate, congratulate, pat yourself on the back
what a grand job you did, no longer the door mat
the master the commander
now in control of that black dog
and Oh my goodness wasn’t it worth that hard slog`
He adores you, he is loyal and does as he told
Because to him your life, your strength, and friendship
instils in him you are worth your weight in gold
Now is the part where you let him in
show him ultimate trust
he will repay you with loyalty and an absolute “I must”
as you have reached that place of mutual understanding
neither will find the other demanding, no longer bears heavy, hard work or emotionally grinding
the equilibrium has successfully been found
You did it the master, bravely covered, completed the ground
Just make sure from here on in
Should the black dog knock..... you graciously welcome him in
Daniella Bull