In my mumbled, scattered, youth
There was no purpose
Just a happenstance appearance
Of someone’s grand design.
But as I grew and looked around
I saw an inkling of a path
A path of artistic greatness
That I looked at for a time.
Then along came those things
That only puberty brings
And I began to see the world
In the light of day.
So I wandered, here and there,
As if I had no care
And I found that what had happened
Was that Living Life got in the way.
From love to love I trampled
Through the years
And some that came my way
Brought the tears.
But there were good times
In the light of a better day
And I was happy
That Living Life got in the way.
Then I grew older
And I was sprinkled with regret,
Kind of like the gambler
That doubled down on a sour bet.
I realized, my artistic side
Never made a home to stay.
Even though the door was opened,
Living Life got in the way.
Now I am retired
And I have the time to dabble,
Bingo and card games,
And even games of Scrabble.
Social events with close-knit friends
And long walks fill my day.
Buy I’ve not penned my Epic Novel
‘cause Living Life is in the way.
D. Thurmond / JEF