Dani Davis

I will not wake

If tomorrow I don’t wake
With the crows
Mourning cries
If my cats fail to wake me
With their paws kneeding at me
If tomorrow no messages are sent
No one hears from me
My accounts online living vicariously
While I do not see light
Or breath air
Who will miss me
Who in that moment will breathe a deep breath holding it
Just long enough to question death
When they see I’ve been offline for sometime
Who will break in that moment wondering where have I gone
Will my body lay still untouched by a human for hours or days
Will lips find mine blue and cooled
Too hard to move
Or will I be saved by a breath
I wonder who makes the call to my mother
The scream I can’t unhear from her
Like when she screamed out about her nephew, brothers, father and mother.....
When I die
The world will move on around me
Not knowing in the silence that I’ve gone
No one will know for hours I’m sure
Except my darling cats
Who will wonder just why mother
Hasn’t got up to feed them yet.

Other works by Dani Davis...
