Survivor (after putting up the strong sided poem about abuse i thought a weaker sided one would be suitable)
I all ready mention in my poem Aren't these your balls? how i was sexually assaulted by an ex. While that poem was how he may have used me i didnt mind being used as i would come out stronger and how i would get over it but he'd always be in debted to me. This poem is the other side of that story. Its how i was after it happened how i was torn between thinking i was strong and weak, (i couldn't sleep most nights i'd just sit crying) and how i really just wanted to disappear off the earth. It also shows how from there on i wasnt some child i was an adult (oddly at this time many of my friends didnt work i did and they called me mamma as i would normally lend out money or buy things for my friends who couldnt afford them)
#Abuse #Assault #Fear #Hurt #Pain #PastRape