If they didn’t exist, neither would we.
This is the truth I want logging companies to see.
I understand they need money to feed their families,
but what good will money do us if we can barely breathe?
Is sticking to this one way
of putting food on their plates
worth jeopardizing the survival of the human race?
How long are we going to allow corporate greed
to drown out human needs?
They may think be radical or extreme,
I think their priorities need adjusting.
Corporations are not living things,
so why sacrifice so much for a machine?
Have they lost their ability to critically think?!
Too distracted by their piles of cash to notice the climate HAS changed?
I’m beginning to wonder if they even have kids...
for if they did,
I’d think they’d want them to live
in a world where water, food, and air isn’t a worry
cause we’re running out of these resources in a hurry.
California is just one of many places dealing with drought
and they have the audacity to continue taking trees out?!
Unlike humans of this type,
trees never stop contributing to life;
they hold and absorb carbon dioxide
so other existing species can breathe alright.
Trees keep the water cycle going,
producing rainfall so rivers keep flowing.
Trees are of incalculable worth:
there purpose is to help, not to hurt.
But in the disconnected minds of those in charge of logging companies,
there’s no profit in leaving a forest standing;
money is made by logging and cutting.
My hope is that they all wake up
and realize enough is enough.
Deforestation and destruction of life has to end!
The state this world is in leaves no room to pretend
that everything is alright...
I shouldn’t have to fight
for basic human rights!
When will the human species unite?!
Cause I’m tired of this “Us vs. Them” mentality;
each side viewing the other as enemy, when in reality
we are all one big family.
So dear confused humans contributing to death,
there’s only a couple things from you that I expect:
Stop being greedy and separating into nations
and start thinking about the next seven generations.