Transcending Unraveler

Infinite Ability

What a chaotic storm life can be,
as it leads to the occasional calming sea...
I find myself situated in this sea of calm,
with so much clarity, for the fog has gone.
Why do I do what I do?
Embedded in my brain is the fear of being wrong.
Criticism and judgments fed to me by confused, unhealthy adults.
Calling it love.
But they’re not the ones at fault.
They’re just following orders, like we’re all taught
to do so well.
Do this, do that.
But whatever you do, don’t think for yourself.
Social structures: Religion, Public Education, Television...
They teach us what to think, not how to think.
No wonder we’re so close to being extinct.
What can I do?
Question everything, think critically.
Find my voice and speak out!
Courageously work through self-doubt.
And remember:
to live the question now, instead of searching for the answers.
Life isn’t meant to be mastered.
The point is to live everything!
Especially the questions!
Until gradually, without even noticing
you live your way into the answer, leading
to yet more questions,
it doesn’t end.
All rights can be taken away.
We can be beaten, stripped naked, and raped.
Locked in chains and bloody, we can look our oppressors in the face
and reply:  
What is the cause of your pain?... of all this pain?... Our pain?
Why do you do what you do?
Who the fuck are you?!
Who am I?!...
If questions are like locked rooms to be loved,
then those taking pleasure in taking will never get enough.
Questions are one thing we’ll never run out of.
This leaves me with only one real task:
To constantly exercise my freedom to ask.
Whether the seas are calm or raging with ferocity,
I’ll always have this indestructible curiosity.


Other works by Transcending Unraveler...
