By Stanley Collymore Deserted and callously abandoned b… you cowardly didn’t have the guts… to stand up to your domineering pa… courageously tell them that it’s y…
Why does the UK have to get involved in conflicts that are no concern of ours? Iran hasn’t attacked Britain or even threatened to do so! Consequently, their actions thus confined solely...
By Stanley Collymore Another fawning and asininely ridiculous story by so-called but always nameless royal experts and an obvious indication…
By Stanley Collymore How can anybody either singly or even more grotesquely literally collectively, as a plethora of dimwitted jerks claim that emphati…
By Stanley Collymore You wouldn’t recognize love let al… capable of appreciating its laudab… were to conspicuously land on your… love is not a part of your lexicon…
By Stanley Collymore It has been a long time coming but… here to constructively create and… future for all those who authentic… to witness a truly fair and just s…
By Stanley Collymore Quite bluntly I don’t believe a s… word that this plainly malevolentl… egregious, actually egotistically inured, discernibly rabid attentio…
By Stanley Collymore It’s time to scrap the existing parole system and replace it realistically with a truly expedient alternative that compels…
By Stanley Collymore How dare it be suggested that MPs actually care about common people! Since they only need them when it’s election time,…
By Stanley Collymore That includes, the surfeit of make believe ones: you know the kind I’m referring to. The pogroms and European holocaust escapers th…
By Stanley Collymore Brexit Britain is in serious trouble, and of it’s own lunatic and idiotically, arrogant making! NO trade
By Stanley Collymore I’d much prefer to be on my own, a… appears better that way; for even… I then encounter appear to have a… that I can better understand even…
By Stanley Collymore Just think for a moment or two, an… remember the answer to the questio… to be put to you, openly and hones… many times have you been advisedly…
By Stanley Collymore Rather self-evidently, conscionabl… concern is clearly needed for the Windsor children being raised with these distinctly poor values…
By Stanley Collymore I just love to see people working— But, to be honest with you, it’s Not something I’ve thought Of seriously or would