Author’s Remarks:
In all my work which I’ve individually created and choose to post online I make a point of giving an analysis of what I’ve done and represent this either as my personal remarks or appropriate comments. On this one occasion I will make an exception and insert into what I’ve done in relation to this poem and its attendant article the precise words of Jess Phillips and Tom Watson to exemplify the point I’m making in this specific work of mine. And here there are; first those of Jess Phillips.
“Jeremy [Corbyn] is not a good leader and not because he’s a man. His biggest problem is that he’s not me. And that’s why if Jeremy wins the current leadership contest I will be making a leadership challenge the very day of his victory. Furthermore I’m prepared if necessary to stand in up to five leadership challenges. Every couple of months if that’s what it takes.
“Of course I shall learn from Angela Eagle’s mistake of doing a completely shit job launching a coup. For instance, I will try to come up with some actual ideas and policies beforehand, instead of simply standing in an embarrassingly empty room and waving my hands about. However, like Angela I recognize the importance of making exaggerated claims of abuse from Corbyn supporting terrorist rabble thugs. And along with the fact that I’m not Jeremy or a man this will be the main plank of my leadership campaign. I may also make light of male suicide as I’ve done on previous occasions.”
Told of Jess Phillips’ plans this is what Tom Watson the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party had to say.
“I welcome Jess Phillips commitment to overthrowing the democratically elected leader of the Labour Party if that leader is Jeremy Corbyn. Democracy is alright I suppose, but if the Labour membership keeps voting for the wrong candidate then we’ll make them vote again and again until eventually they choose the correct leader; basically anyone who doesn’t actually have Labour values.”
There you have it then. And these are the democrats and caring constituency MPs, they’ll have you believe, and who want to run Britain, doing so they claim in a more democratic and responsible manner than allegedly Jeremy Corby would do. Or as I or any other sensible individual capable of thinking for ourselves will see and clearly recognize these Labtories for what they are, essentially nothing more or less than graspingly avaricious lowlife scum whom you’re welcome to if you can’t honestly see through them.
Finally, this is my uncompromising take on the entire situation. Speak softly and always carry a big stick! Furthermore, when someone individually or persons collectively premeditatedly, malevolently, earnestly, intentionally, willingly or deleteriously get in your way whatever the circumstances are or the anticipated outcome from any unwarranted confrontation with you and speculated on by either side turns out to be, you MUST act! As Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters are unapologetically doing in his case.
That’s the lesson I grew up with from my earliest childhood and fortunately for me coincides with the sensible philosophy and erudite genius of the Germans whom I immensely admire, deeply and enduring respect and have lived amongst for the past 36 years.