The Author’s Remarks:
On the 22nd April 1993 in an unprovoked racially motivated attack in Eltham, London, England black teenager and student Stephen Lawrence, born on the 13th September 1974, was savagely murdered by a group of white racists. In the aftermath of Stephen’s death and in the 21 years subsequent to it those legally charged with matters pertaining to law and order in England as well as the dispensing of justice to the victims of wrongdoing, and particularly acts of wilful murder, have done everything in their power to thwart the attainment of justice for Stephen Lawrence.
Crassly and dishonestly they’ve erroneously, from the very outset of their reluctantly embarked on and haphazard investigation, endeavoured to portray Stephen Lawrence as a gang member, which he most categorically was not and never had been, who was killed by one of his black gang member associates. However, when that scenario patently failed to carry any traction with the public, and particularly members of the black community, because there was evidently no substance to it and therefore showed it up for the false premise that it was Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police and other senior members of the English constabulary perfidiously embarked on a calculated and reprehensible campaign to smear the Lawrence Family, their friends and supporters that were individually and collectively endeavouring to get justice for Stephen by having his racist killers arrested, tried in court, convicted and jailed; something that the police authorities clearly didn’t want to happen.
Notwithstanding that though, due to the innumerable obstacles wilfully placed in their way by the police and the other forces of law and order in England, including the judiciary, this task to date has only partially been realized with the belated conviction and jailing for the least terms of imprisonment in their cases of two of Stephen’s killers; and 21 years on Neville and Doreen Lawrence, who have shown a remarkable dignity, courage and resolve throughout their 21year old ordeal, are still forced to wait for justice that’s long overdue to their murdered and promising architect son Stephen.
In remembrance of Stephen Lawrence: 13 September 1974 – 22 April 1993.