By Stanley Collymore
Self-evidently the UK is no longer a Christian country since the majority of its people have turned away from the Church die to a marked lack of leadership on the part of those who are in control of, run and are closely associated with the various branches of alleged Christianity; caring, the aforementioned, much more about their own pecking order in these said institutions as well as the also highly prized, in their personal evaluation, British class ingrained and distinctly elitist system.
Quite clearly the churches leaders have never spoken out openly far less so honestly against evidently myriad and transparent instances of evident injustices even within their own close ranks; and the inevitable results are what we see today; increasing falling Church attendances and similarly too church buildings actually closing.
So realistically if Charles: a most self-centred and clearly, unapologetically ingrained serial adulterer who quite incredibly in spite of his odious and additionally egregious behaviour in relation to his wife Diana Spencer is now mind bogglingly, notwithstanding the Seventh Commandment, the most laughably really, implanted Supreme Governor of the Church of England, thought anything about the British people of whom he is their unelected, hereditary and de facto monarichal leader and who he still encouragingly sees as serf subjects, not ever worthy of being definitively, sensibly and in a dignified manner caringly upgraded to the status of equal citizens, his thus discernibly and equally appropriately vainglorious coronation should in all reality be distinctively low key; and, most specifically so, with millions of people desperately struggling to eat and similarly heat their homes.
And crucially no literally sensible and discernibly intelligent person blames President Vladimir Putin of Russia for any of this; as the very Tories who’re asininely pushing all this outmoded pomp and ceremony and specifically as well at a time of literally egregious austerity and obviously debilitating hardship are the very politicians that without a solitary care in the world regarding their very own economic and similarly privileged circumstances, are the very ones who quite uncaringly and most self-servingly also are effectively the absolute bane in relation to their very dishonest relationship with the United Kingdom.
But why bother being any different when they well know that Britain is intensely and endemically infested with a surfeit preponderance of dire, intellectually challenged, very easily brainwashed, similarly and discernibly braindead; obviously sycophantically brownnosing, medievally mindset and avidly kow-towing to their deeply ingrained and unthinkingly perceived as monarchical and other hereditary superiors, morons; who’d rather die starving or freezing than see the likes of Charles Windsor and his discernibly preposterous and rather self-entitled ilk get their long overdue and equally so much deserving comeuppance.
Essentially, literally kicked out of their unworthily, totally unmerited yet quite privileged, arrogantly self-entitled and literally obscenely and wholly clearly unearned wealthy positions; and have Britain plainly instead become the truly democratic, genuinely equality based, and an authentic, progressive and also an enduring meritocracy that is clearly long overdue; and evidently needs to be in situ in this a supposedly modern and also progressive 21st Century for everyone else very apparently except British peasants and quite obviously and thoroughly discernibly naturally their distinctly monarchical and other hereditarily manipulative scum who patently delight in controlling them!
(C) Stanley V. Claymore
18 November 2022.
Author's Remarks:
We're all of us, whether in the biblical sense or not, sinners in one form or another; that's transparently human nature. However, having said that, it is likewise abundantly clear there're nevertheless amongst us specimens of Homo sapiens who're discernibly far worse than the majority of us others; and redemption if it's to be attained ought really to come from genuinely honest apologies for what has been maliciously, malevolently or equally egregiously done, and earnestly hope that those who have been adversely affected by your actions, or if they're no longer among us and have passed on, that their close offspring and, as well, their descendants depending on the genuine nature or distinctively so otherwise of any such apologies from the perpetrators honestly do pave the way for forgiveness and possibly also a lasting reconciliation.
For without seriously embarking on such a truly, personal evaluation of one's actions and misdeeds the entire situation is literally obviously nothing more than arrogant hypocrisy; which is most discernibly and very precisely what evidently both Charles Windsor, Camilla Parker Bowles and also their demonstrably, thoroughly expensive, emphatically likeminded and equally immoral advisors have collectively so earnestly, dishonestly, as well as quite disingenuously, totally patronizingly and condescendingly embarked upon and are similarly ongoingly doing. A state of affairs they rather corruptly and most asininely believe is rather distinctly assured by their arrogantly perceived self-entitled and privileged positions.
Apologies? For our miscreant, quite unmistakably immoral and even our criminal behaviour clearly adjudged by plebeian standards and evidently most assuredly and rather insultingly not our patrician ones, and moreover doing so, in terms of quite laughable apologies to the unwashed peasants that literally hero worship us and are firmly and intensely too conditioned from birth to always think of us, their monarchical and hereditary types, in addition to instinctively, unthinkingly believing that our ostentatiously and discernibly privileged positions in life are unquestionably, quite exclusively and similarly also, enduringly ours to unchallengeably have by through the courtesy of Divine approbation and likewise its attendant affirmation! So you obviously can't be serious trying to challenge that or our status in life.
Which literally means that you rather intellectually challenged serf morons are well and truly had. And just like the Karen slappers who have rather recurrently cuckolded their husband or partner and individually have him earnestly but so idiotically believing that the children these Karen's have liberally and bastardly spawned and who these Male morons have quite fervently fathered but most distinctly have not actually sired are somehow, nevertheless, quite ludicrously their biological offspring. Just as the quite dim-witted, white xenophobic and as well a totally comprehensive and too irreversible azoospermiac that clearly overtly boasts about his supposed but discernibly, distinctively non-existent manhood and the number of children that in his imaginary world he has so exuberantly produced and similarly like himself are "true white Britons" when unknowingly to himself he is absolutely incapable biologically of ever fathering children of any kind; the ludicrous myths enveloping the sick and utterly delusional minds of such master race Britons is distinctly evidenced in calls for an imperialist type and laughably also a Christian religious coronation for two actually comprehensive adulterers: Charles Windsor and his very longstanding mistress Camilla, not divinely but all the same short-memorised and totally hypocritical, likewise brownnosingly approved, monarchical consort!
Absolutely nothing wrong in having aspirational dreams; but delusional fantasies come under the heading of a totally different ball game, whether you’re supposedly a divinely enthroned monarch and his consort or are happily ensconced amongst their surfeit of brainwashed and similarly braindead sycophants.
#Hypocrisy #Self-entitlement #Sycophancy