Author's Remarks:
The rampant and rabid hypocrisy of many white Westerners is obviously astounding as it is quite undeniably quite sickening to any one with even the merest modicum of intellectual acumen or simply any feasible morality in their specifically, and one could as well logically argue, pathetic life.
Politics of all kinds should be actually kept rather distinctively out of sport and clearly likewise, there should never be discernibly any active encouragement for, or similarly any curtailment of genuine athletes' rights to their active participation in any sporting contests because of distinctively, arbitrary collective punishment by governments of their own volition but as is most frequently the case at the usual behest of discernibly vested interests with their own clearly and usually clandestine political as well as vile financial agendas. And this sort of odious conduct is no secret to anyone, who really chooses to live in the real world.
The Ukraine is no political virgin and those defending it as if it were are either in great need of psychiatric treatment for the evilly vile sociopaths and psychopaths that they undoubtedly are: bearing in mind, the quite clearly and unquestionably rather repulsive Waffen SS past of Ukraine distinctly during World War 2, that the obviously likeminded and undeniably, unprincipled descendants of these discernibly too, low life scum still celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday; generally, and crucially essentially for them too, they similarly rather boastfully reminisce about their kind's glorious killing days under the auspices of the Third Reich and effectively with nothing having changed with the very undoubtedly toxically verminous scum!
And essentially the basic reasons they can so rampage across the Ukraine lyingly and deceitfully clearly proselytizing themselves as the rather legitimate government of the Ukraine m, which honestly they are not, is simply because they distinctively have the full backing of the USA: that organized the coup in 2014, which effectively removed a clearly democratically elected government that was very friendly to Russia, with these barbaric killers, and basically very naturally the USA's own lap dogs, like Britain! I shall also be expanding on this in a future work. Keep an eye out for it!
How very ironic then that they weren't any calls for British and USA athletes to be actually banned, in the wake of both these quite lying countries dishonest as well as their unquestionably illegal war and undeniably, murderous campaigns discernibly in Afghanistan, and equally also Iraq, where alone clearly over ONE MILLION civilians were murdered on a knowingly lying pretext that Iraq really had WMDs. But no punishment for the undoubted liars and killers, neither any requests for USA and British athletes to be effectively barred from any sporting and more specifically the Olympics.
And quite rightly so the latter since our UK athletes quite literally weren't at all responsible for what occurred nor any US ones I would imagine, while actually in the UK itself many British - including our athletes, as private citizens, took to the streets against the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars.
Now we have the ongoing conundrum with the genocidal entity called Israel, and the same hypocrisy emanating, as previously, from the USA, UK and their friends!
#Greed #Hate