Author's Remarks:
Reports of yet more distinctly pathetic, and obviously really compulsive British larcenous holidaymakers, undoubtedly so, simply customarily behaving rather badly! And two separate couples quite readily come to mind.
And my first location is actually Turkey, where the specific couple about whom I've penned this poem, having blatantly and quite brazenly made their way into this first class Turkish hotel proceeded to purloin a handbag left by a bona fide guest resident of that exact same hotel on a sun lounger, as the specific owner had repaired to the hotel's restaurant to literally partake of a meal. Immediately after their theft the 2 British thieves, as cool as cucumbers actually and clearly confidently, made their joint respective exits from that hotel. A state of affairs, which subsequently culminated in their going on an enormous spending spree rather conveniently quite liberally using a credit card, which they'd found inside the handbag that they'd jointly stolen.
Effectively nearly 1000.00 Sterling were rapidly withdrawn and obviously utilized by these 2 thieves from the stolen credit card they now had in their possession, and this indecent haste to spend someone else’s money coupled with the hotel’s prompt response in reporting the theft to the police when it was discovered, significantly attendant to with the hotel’s own and other significantly, relevant attendant CCTV footage of what these criminals look like, conjoined with the stolen credit card’s unauthorized by its real owner’s electronic footprints , as it were, ably assisted the Turkish police in significantly tracing and apprehending these British thieves, who are currently being appropriately dealt with!
Now take a jaunt with me to a location in Wales, the Dolphin Hotel in Pembroke Dock precisely, where Martine Rendell: a supposed beautician, which if true makes me the valid heir to the throne of Britain, as her CCTV photograph and her social media one are so disparate that they absolutely bear no resemblance whatsoever, even minimally so, to each other – and her unnamed male partner booked into the aforementioned Dolphin Hotel without any luggage, ransacked the room they were allocated of everything they could physically carry, and then on obviously doing a runner were promptly and adequately caught on CCTV, though the owner of the hotel Natalie Newton was regrettably unable to have them apprehended at the time.
What Natalie newton did sensibly and commendably do however, was to promptly notify the local police of what had untowardly occurred as she likewise uploaded the relevant CCTV footage, pertaining to Martine Rendell and her partner’s pillage of her hotel possessions onto several social media outlets. However the approach of these Welsh coppers – police for the uninitiated – was not only markedly but quite amazingly incredibly different from their Turkish counterparts. For while the police in Turkey are competently and assiduously seeking a conviction for the British thieves held in Turkey, the Welsh police have instead demanded that hotelier Natalie Newton promptly remove the CCTV footage and specifically the social media exposition of the activities of Martine Rendell because “it’s causing her and her partner distress”.
This from white Britons who for centuries made a profitable and an attendantly barbaric habit of stealing not only huge land masses, to name just three of these: Australia, what’s now the USA and Canada, and which individually massively dwarf this off-shore European island called Britain, or if you prefer the United Kingdom; but likewise in addition to coercively stealing other people’s countries have similarly appropriated untold millions of enormously wealthy artefacts, precious natural resources – you name it and Britain barbarically took it – from every corner of the globe; items not only hoarded away, not ever seeing the light of day, in the Windsor’s’ multiple castles, palaces and other sumptuous and lavish monarchical residences; those of the so-called aristocratic elites; billionaire private collectors – and one doesn’t need to ask where they got their enormous wealth from or how they did so; universities like Oxford and Cambridge and multiple museums, not just the London one, so crammed with these precious and unique artefacts that in essence they quite literally haven’t got the space to put them on display, and as such from their arrival in Britain have never seen the light of day!
And not only are these precious and unique artefacts not being given back to their rightful owners, with no intention on the part of most white Britons of this ever happening, a situation incredulously passed off by generations of seasoned and malevolently egregious British thieves and their beneficiaries, but in addition to all that I’m yet to hear, or do I know of anyone of my acquaintance who has ever experienced, even among the several centenarians that we fortunately and delightedly have in Barbados which has the largest number of them per population anywhere in the world,, the British express or show any regret for the distress they’ve continuously and purposely caused to their myriad victims. So it doesn’t surprise me in the least that the two examples I’ve sited: the one in Turkey and the other in Wales, amongst the myriad of other thieving rampages that instinctively occur, many of these gleefully and now quite prodigiously so in Brexit Britain, that situation is what it is and will increasingly get worse.
And ominous as it will evidently appear to intelligent and logical mind, and quite distinctly so from the deeply ingrained, intellectually challenged ones that basically infest Britain, there’s an old Barbadian saying: “One doesn’t kill a poisonous centipede and leave its young alone, since in time, if that happens, they too will ultimate grow up to be the same and the problem will never effectively go away!” Essentially, brought up to be a thief one essentially never changes.