Author’s Remarks:
So it’s a no-brainer, won’t you say, that as honourable and responsible MPs and naturally too as members of that coterie of privileged elites of Britain to which we justly belong that we’re thoroughly entitled, and entirely from the perspective if nothing else of simply who and what we irrefutably are and, of course as well, from our obviously elected legislative and decidedly advantaged positions to determine what’s best for everyone and de facto the entire nation.
And to that must additionally be added the immensely important and specifically bolstering portfolio, parliamentary-speaking, of what from our very own incalculably, knowledgeable point of view and personal experiences may superficially on the surface appear to be prima face acts of chance or even gross and serial immorality, but when carefully and impartially examined by us MPs turn out instead to be concerted actions of malicious and mendacious gossips or worst still malevolent disparagements that most categorically bear no semblance whatsoever to the honesty as apart from the calumny of the genuine situation being talked about, examined or media-wise reported on.
So please, as MPs we earnestly urge you to get rid of these spurious allegations about us and others our kind from your ill-informed minds, and both intelligently and charitably subscribe to the enshrined principle of due process in the face of these entirely groundless allegations that can correctly be likened to one gratuitously spitting in a gusty breeze. And fully accept on the part of the United Kingdom that, those of us who’re most honoured to be part of this divinely blessed and outstanding nation must reciprocally in grateful recognition of our MPs onerous workloads and unquestionably special needs accord to them the automatic right to personally and unceasingly indulge in far more and most certainly not less sleaze!