Author's Remarks:
Why remain a virgin simply for basically societal reasons when quite essentially on you having attained the obvious age of consent and even more emphatically so that of majority, and it's crystal clear to you without any sort of enforcement that your biologically sexual clock very distinctly, obviously truly needs regular servicing; and actually very discernibly in this process quite irrefutably and as well ongoingly basically clamour to be attended to, you nevertheless crucially and effectively purposely ignore those warnings because you evidently aren't married, haven't acquired a permanent partner in your life and thus effectively rather sanctimoniously place an undue amount of value and trust in essentially staying a virgin!
Your choice of course, and undoubtedly so yours to make. But what's the actual difference between that and manifestly basically starving yourself: not properly eating simply because you distinctively essentially irrefutably have a skewed perception literally, of what supposedly feminine beauty is and should therefore be all about. So you consciously, refuse to eat properly, quite obviously because you contrarily want to stay slim!