It’s quite easy to understand why and likewise how one can be sympathetic towards persons who, specifically through no fault of their own, have been subjected to immense and intense traumatic experiences that they in turn wish to and have concertedly done everything in their power to erase from their consciousness as best they can, because they’re too psychologically caught up in the painful experiences of it all and accordingly don’t wish to dwell upon them.
And while I’m not suggesting for a single moment that such an enterprise shouldn’t be taken by such individuals there is nevertheless a vast world of difference between endeavouring to intentionally blot out something quite unpleasant that happened to one’s self on the one hand, while on the other obdurately pretending, for whatever reason, that it never happened. All the more so since the real process of healing is to courageously, however difficult that might be, effectively deal with and hopefully finally come to terms with that particular unpleasantness in one’s life however agonizingly painful a task that might be.
Since without objectively doing so a proper and definitive closure, however delusion one may consider that they’ve attained that objective, will in all truthfulness never be entirely attained and in the attendant circumstances only serve as a festering sore which at any time could very well spontaneously break out again.
It’s the same state of affairs in everyday life and at whatever level that one can seriously and realistically think of, from essentially every day and seemingly mundane instances to crucial and potentially earth-shattering situations. For whichever way that it’s independently looked at the past does even so have a significant bearing on both the present and the future whether that is sagaciously and practically accepted or not. And whether or not that impact is for the common good of humanity universally or conversely for its utter destruction will, of course, depend considerably on the wisdom, or lack of it, of all those involved.
But, in my opinion, randomly making New Year’s resolutions which essentially any idiot can do without those involved being obliged to take full cognizance of what has earlier gone on in the previous year isn’t just purblind ignorance but also definitively the height of insanity.